'St. Valentine's Day Massacre' (2008) es una grabación del directo que juntó a los Hitmen, banda australiana de rock, con la artista Niagara Detroit. Niagara es leyenda viva del rock de Detroit, desde que se fuera a vivir y formara banda (Destroy All Monsters) con los músicos de los Stooges, los locos hermanos Asheton, una vez Iggy Pop fue tomando camino en solitario. Posteriormente y con nueva formación (que incluía algún ex-MC5 y ex-Dead Boys) se llamarían Dark Carnival. Se ha ido dedicando progresivamente más al Arte, produciendo pinturas Pop-Lowbrow predominantemente con mensaje a lo femme fatale, y sus apariciones musicales dejaron de ser frecuentes. Suya es la imagen que decora la portada de este disco. También se encargó en sus bandas anteriores de producir material de promoción. Cuando visitó Australia para una feria artística surgió este directo que tuvo alguna continuidad en otros conciertos posteriores, algunos de los cuales servirían también para homenajear la memoria de su antiguo compañero de fechorías, Ron Asheton, fallecido en el 2009.
'St. Valentine's Day Massacre' (2008) is a live album by Australian Rock band the Hitmen along artist Niagara Detroit on vocals. Niagara is a living rock legend in Detroit, where she went to on to live and form a band (Destroy All Monsters) with the rhythmic faction of The Stooges, the wild crazy Asheton brothers, once Iggy Pop took his way as a solo act. Later that band was reformed as Dark Carnival (including some ex-MC5 and ex-Dead Boys). She has devoted progressively more into art, creating Lowbrow-Pop paintings with characteristic femme fatale messages on it, and her musical appearances ceased to be frequent. Hers is the cover for this album following the tradition of producing promo art for her bands. On a visit to Australia for an art Festival, this live meeting took place, wich had some sort of continuity in later shows that also served to honor the memory of Ron Asheton, who died in 2009.
'St. Valentine's Day Massacre' (2008) is a live album by Australian Rock band the Hitmen along artist Niagara Detroit on vocals. Niagara is a living rock legend in Detroit, where she went to on to live and form a band (Destroy All Monsters) with the rhythmic faction of The Stooges, the wild crazy Asheton brothers, once Iggy Pop took his way as a solo act. Later that band was reformed as Dark Carnival (including some ex-MC5 and ex-Dead Boys). She has devoted progressively more into art, creating Lowbrow-Pop paintings with characteristic femme fatale messages on it, and her musical appearances ceased to be frequent. Hers is the cover for this album following the tradition of producing promo art for her bands. On a visit to Australia for an art Festival, this live meeting took place, wich had some sort of continuity in later shows that also served to honor the memory of Ron Asheton, who died in 2009.
Niagara fumando en topless, 1974. Foto de Cary Loren
▶Destroy All Monsters·'Bored'
▶Dark Carnival·'I Died 1000 Times'·
▶Destroy All Monsters·'November 22nd, 1963'
▶Destroy All Monsters·'Nobody Knows'