Mike Disfarmer (1917-1956) fue un peculiar fotógrafo norteamericano que creció en un pequeño pueblo granjero de Arkansas y posteriormente se mudó a la ciudad, donde estableció un Estudio en el que realizó gran cantidad de retratos en placas de cristal cuando éstas ya no se usaban. Nacido con el apellido de Meyer (palabra que al parecer proviene del alemán para designar a los granjeros) se lo cambió por el de Disfarmer ("no-granjero") para desmarcarse de su origen, además de ser al parecer un tipo reclusivo y asocial a pesar de dedicarse al retrato. Por esas cosas que tiene la vida a veces, su trabajo empezó a cobrar notoriedad pública dos décadas después de su fallecimiento al ser reseñado en un periódico local. El prestigioso guitarrista Bill Frisell editó en el 2009 una recomedable grabación de instrumentales enteramente dedicada a Disfarmer.
Mike Disfarmer (1917-1956) was a peculiar American photographer who grew up in a small farm town in Arkansas and later moved to the city, establishing a Studio where he made numerous portraits on glass plates when that technique was already obsolete. Born with the surname Meyer (wich seems to be an expression from German meaning "dairy farmer") he changed it to Disfarmer (ie,not farmer) to distinguish from his origin, besides being apparently an asocial reclusive person in spite of earning his life out of taking portraits. And one of those unfair things, his work began to gain public notoriety after being reviewed in a local newspaper two decades after his death. Prestigious guitarist and composer Bill Frisell edited in 2009 a recommendable beautiful and relaxing instrumental album entirely devoted to Disfarmer.
Mike Disfarmer (1917-1956) was a peculiar American photographer who grew up in a small farm town in Arkansas and later moved to the city, establishing a Studio where he made numerous portraits on glass plates when that technique was already obsolete. Born with the surname Meyer (wich seems to be an expression from German meaning "dairy farmer") he changed it to Disfarmer (ie,not farmer) to distinguish from his origin, besides being apparently an asocial reclusive person in spite of earning his life out of taking portraits. And one of those unfair things, his work began to gain public notoriety after being reviewed in a local newspaper two decades after his death. Prestigious guitarist and composer Bill Frisell edited in 2009 a recommendable beautiful and relaxing instrumental album entirely devoted to Disfarmer.
The Disfarmer Project
Public Pictures
Rose Gallery
Steven Kasher Gallery
Bill Frisell
Disfarmer|Nonesuch Records