Uno de mis preferidos entre los maestros de todos los tiempos. Sensible, certero y elegante. Espectacular y sin efectismos, la fuerza de sus imágenes siempre está en el sujeto. En 1959 el fotógrafo Bruce Davidson leyó sobre las bandas juveniles de Nueva York y acudió a un trabajador social para tomar contacto inicial con una de esas bandas, The Jokers en Brooklyn. Así Davidson se convirtió por un tiempo en un observador diario y testigo de esa cultura juvenil.
One personal all time favourite master. Sensitive, accurate and elegant. Spectacular without effects, the force in his images is always on the subject. In 1959, photographer Bruce Davidson read about the teenage gangs of New York City. Connecting with a social worker to make initial contact with a gang in Brooklyn called The Jokers, Davidson became a daily observer of that alienated youth culture.
Enlaces seleccionadosSelected Links
Photography Now
Edelman Gallery
"Soy un fotógrafo de la misma manera que otro puede ser un fontanero y prefiero que siga siendo así...Mis fotos son compasivas aunque personales; pretenden que el espectador juzgue por sí mismo, no quiero sermonear a nadie. Y no tienen ninguna pretensión artística", Bruce Davidson. "I am a photographer in the way you might be a plumber. I like it that way...Most of my pictures are compassionate, gentle and personal. They tend to let the viewer see for himself. They tend not to preach. And they tend not to pose as art."
One personal all time favourite master. Sensitive, accurate and elegant. Spectacular without effects, the force in his images is always on the subject. In 1959, photographer Bruce Davidson read about the teenage gangs of New York City. Connecting with a social worker to make initial contact with a gang in Brooklyn called The Jokers, Davidson became a daily observer of that alienated youth culture.
Enlaces seleccionadosSelected Links
Photography Now
Edelman Gallery
"Soy un fotógrafo de la misma manera que otro puede ser un fontanero y prefiero que siga siendo así...Mis fotos son compasivas aunque personales; pretenden que el espectador juzgue por sí mismo, no quiero sermonear a nadie. Y no tienen ninguna pretensión artística", Bruce Davidson. "I am a photographer in the way you might be a plumber. I like it that way...Most of my pictures are compassionate, gentle and personal. They tend to let the viewer see for himself. They tend not to preach. And they tend not to pose as art."