The Smiths' album cover stars

Octubre 1983|Single|'This Charming Man'|Estrella de la portada: Jean Marais, actor francés, en una escena de la película de Jean Cocteau 'Orfeo'. El actor fue pareja de Cocteau. Las portadas de los Smiths eran generalmente el resultado del trabajo y selección de su cantante y letrista Morrissey y de los diseñadores Jo Slee y Caryn Gough. The cover star is french actor Jean Marais in a still from Jean Cocteau's 1949 film 'Orpheé'. The Smiths cover art was generally the result of the work and ideas by the leader of the band, Morrissey, and designers Jo Slee and Caryn Gough.

Enero 1984|Single|'What Difference Does It Make'|Estrella de la portada: Terence Stamp, actor, en una escena de 'El Coleccionista'. El actor protestó por su aparición en la portada y en futuras impresiones aparecía el propio cantante de la banda, Morrissey, en una recreación de la misma imagen. The album cover is Terence Stamp in the 1965 film 'The Collector'. Stamp objected to his photograph being used and Morrissey had to recreate the shot for further pressings.

Febrero 1984|Álbum|'The Smiths'|Estrella de la portada: Joe Dallesandro, actor, en una captura de una escena de la película de Andy Wathol y Paul Morrissey 'Flesh' (1968). The cover star is Joe Dallesandro from the 1968 film 'Andy Warhol's FLESH', directed by Paul Morrissey. Morrissey drew again from Warhol's misfit "superstar" crowd for 'Sheila takes A Bow', featuring actress Candy Darling.

Mayo 1984|Single|'Heaven Knows I`m Misearble Now'|Estrella de la portada: Viv Nicholson, ganadora británica de una cantidad record en las quinielas en 1961, en una imagen de su libro 'Spend Spend Spend'. A partir de cobrar el dinero Nicholson pasó por una desgracia tras otra y se arruinó en poco tiempo. En la fotografía aparece poco después del fallecimiento de su marido en un accidente de automóvil. Su libro fue una de las obsesiones de adolescente de Morrissey. The 'cover star' is 1961 Pools winner Viv Nicholson whose northern rags to riches to rags story ('Spend Spend Spend') fascinated Morrissey (she also features on the sleeve of 'Barbarism Begins At Home'). The two actually met. The picture shows Nicholson standing outside her childhood home just after her husband had died. The crass tabloid uproar about the b-side, and assumptions that the cover star was Myra Hindley may in part account for the cover's scarcity.

Agosto 1984|Single|'William, It Was Really Nothing'|Estrella de la portada: Billie Whitelaw, actriz. Al parecer la protagonista declaró estar entusiasmada por este homenaje. Mucho tiempo después aparecería en uno de los primeros vídeos del cantante ya en solitario. British actor Billie Whitelaw. The picture is a still from 'Charlie Bubbles', a movie directed by Albert Finney in 1967. Apparently Whitelaw was "more than happy" to appear on the cover. Much later on she would appear in a video for one of Morrissey's early solo songs.

Noviembre 1984|Álbum|'Hatful Of Hollow'|Portada: El individuo de la foto tomada por Gilles Decroix es un tal Fabrice Colette, al que se le ve en esta portada original un tatuaje de un dibujo de Jean Cocteau sacado de un dibujo de 'El Libro Blanco'. Al parecer (como se puede leer en Morrissey-solo) la imagen fue publicada originalmente en un especial de 1983 de la revista francesa Liberation sobre Cocteau en el que aparecía la imagen de este chico que lo idolatraba. En futuras ediciones la fotografía sería recortada y el tatuaje no se vería. Cosas de la vida, en su momento estaba convencido que era un retrato del dramaturgo Joe Orton. Sleeve image is a 1983 photo taken by Gilles Decroix for french Liberation magazine of a Jean Cocteau fan named Fabrice Colette sporting a Cocteau tattoo of a drawing seen in his 'The White Book'. Funny thing is I used to believe (can't remember why now) it was a portrait of British playwright Joe Orton.

Single|'William, It Was Really Nothing'|Estrella de la portada: Colin Campbell, actor, en una escena de 'The Leather Boys'. Sleeve shows Colin Campbell in a still from the seminal '60s film 'The Leather Boys'.

Single|'Barbarism Begins At Home'|Estrella de la portada: Viv Nicholson, ganadora de la lotería británica, en una imagen de su libro 'Spend Spend Spend'. Viv Nicholson, winner of 1961 British football pools, in a picture taken from her book 'Spend Spend Spend'.

Marzo 1985|Single|'Shakespears`s Sister'|Estrella de la portada: Patricia Phoenix, actriz, una de las protagonistas de la histórica serie-telenovela británica 'Coronation Street'. Cover star is Pat Phoenix, British actress best known for her role as Elsie Tanner in 'Coronation Street'. Morrissey about her: "Oh, she was simply a blizzard of professionalism - of goodwill, of warmth - she was like a hurricane. She just simply exploded into the room and I was quite taken aback by this. You simply wanted to rush towards her bosom - and - you know - remain there forever."

'That Joke Isn't Funny Anymore'|1 Julio 1985|Portada: actor infantil ucraniano desconocido de un fotograma de una película de 1965 que aparecía en un libro que pertenecía a Morrissey. The cover star is an unknown Ukrainian child actor who appeared in an unknown 1965 Movie still appearing in a book owned by Morrissey

Septiembre 1985|Single|'The Boy With The Thorn In His Side'|Estrella de la portada: Truman Capote, escritor. La foto la tomó Cecil Beaton en 1949. Morrissey dijó en una ocasión sobre Capote: "No estoy seguro si Truman era un buen escritor o sólo una especie de mirón y cotilla, pero era tan divertido...". American author Truman Capote. The photograph was taken by Cecil Beaton in 1949. Morrissey has said about Capote: "I'm not even sure if Truman was a writer at all, or just someone who sneaked around and watched. But he was funny!".

Mayo 1986|Single|'Bigmouth Strikes Again'|Estrella de la portada: James Dean, en una fotografía de 1948 tomada en su pueblo natal (Fairmont, Indiana) por su amiga Nelva Jean Thomas. En la imagen Dean aparece con su primera moto, una Whizzer checa de 1947 (¿?), que le regaló su tío Marcus. Morrissey: "Mi interés en James Dean era algo puramente obsesivo, nada que ver con sus películas o el Arte que se le supone. No estoy seguro de sus habilidades para la interpretación. Para mí era una figura fascinante como símbolo de la autodestrucción". This rare photograph of James Dean was taken in 1948 by his friend Nelva Jean Thomas in his hometown Fairmount, Indiana. Dean is riding his first motorcycle, a 1947 Czech Whizzer (¿?), bought for him by his uncle Marcus. A quote by Morrissey: "[My] interest in James Dean was purely a physical obsession, and certainly nothing to do with his films or the art he may have striven for. I'm not really sure that he had any [acting skills]. He was just a fascinating symbol of self-destruction".

Junio 1986|Álbum|'The Queen Is Dead'|Estrella de la portada: Alain Delon, actor, en una escena de la película de 1964 'L`Insomius' ('La Muerte No Deserta'). Se rumorea que tras la disolución de la banda Morrisey se desprendió de gran cantidad de parafernalia y recuerdos de los Smiths pero entre las cosas que conservó con afecto se encuentra una carta que el actor le mandó en referencia a esta portada. French actor Alain Delon. The picture is a still from 'L'Insoumis', a movie directed by Alain Cavalier in 1964. (After The Smiths had broke up, Morrissey told that he'd thrown away all personal memorabilia connected with the group with the exception of a letter from Delon about this particular album sleeve.) The band also used the image as a 40ft stage backdrop on their 1986 tour.

Julio 1986|Single|'Panic'|Estrella de la portada: Richard Bradford, actor, estrella de la serie británica de 1967 'The Man In a Suitcase'. El actor declaró que le gustó aparecer en la portada porque le comentaron que eran una buena banda, pero la discográfica le envió una copia del single sin el disco en su interior por lo que asegura que nunca llegó a escuchar la canción. The cover star is Richard Bradford, from the 1967 ATV series 'Man In A Suitcase', in which he played a dismissed CIA agent working for hire in London, living out of his suitcase. A quote by Bradford himself: "Yes, I remember The Smiths. They wanted to use my picture and I said yeah. I heard they were a great band, but they sent me the finished cover without the record inside. So I've never heard 'Panic'".

Octubre 1986|Single|'Ask'|Estrella de la portada: Yootha Joyce, actriz británica, en una imagen de una película de 1965. Cover star is English actress Yootha Joyce. The picture is a still from 'Catch Us If You Can', a 1965 movie directed by John Boorman.

Enero 1987|Single|'Shoplifters Of The World Unite'|Estrella de la portada: Elvis Presley, en su primera foto promocional, realizada en 1955 por su peluquero. The young Elvis Presley photographed by James R. Reid, his hairdresser, in 1955. This was his first ever press shot.

Marzo 1987|Álbum|'The World Won`t Listen'|Portada y contraportada: Fotografías del libro de 1981 'Rock`n`roll times' de Jürgen Vollmer. Jürgen Vollmer's photographs of Hamburg's young Rock scene in the early 60s - most famously of the Beatles - won him Lennon's and McCartney's enduring admiration, and clearly that of Morrissey too. The pictures were published in his 1981 book 'Rock'n'Roll Times: The Style and Spirit of the Early Beatles and Their First Fans'.

Abril 1987|Single|'Sheila Take a Bow'|Estrella de la portada: Candy Darling, actriz transexual del ámbito de la Factory de Warhol, en una escena de la película 'Women In Revolt' (1971). American transsexual actress and model Candy Darling, who was also one of the Andy Warhol superstars. The picture is a still from 'Women In Revolt', a movie directed by Paul Morrissey and produced by Warhol in 1971.

Abril 1987|Álbum|'Louder Than Bombs'|Estrella de la portada: Shelagh Delaney, dramaturga. La fotografía fue tomada por Arnold Newman en Manchester en Agosto de 1961, un mes antes del estreno de la película basada en su obra más conocida. Morrissey dijo una vez: "No es ningún secreto que al menos el 50 por ciento de mi motivación para escribir se debe a Shelagh Delaney y su obra 'A Taste of Honey'. 'This Night Has Opened My Eyes' es una canción totalmente 'A Taste of Honey' - la obra entera en una canción". Cover star is playwrighter Shelagh Delaney in Manchester, 1961, photographed by Arnold Newman one month before the film 'A Taste of Honey' (based on her play) was premiered. Another Morrissey quote: "I've never made any secret of the fact that at least 50 per cent of my reason for writing can be blamed on Shelagh Delaney who wrote 'A Taste Of Honey'. And 'This Night Has Opened My Eyes' is a Taste Of Honey song - putting the entire play to words."

Agosto 1987|Single|'Girlfriend In A Coma'|Estrella de la portada: Shelagh Delaney, dramaturga. British playwright Shelagh Delaney, who's best known for her play 'Taste of Honey' (1958) and the film based on it. Morrissey's said that there's "strange sexiness about her, even with her overcoat on".

Septiembre 1987|Álbum|'Strangeways Here We Come'|Estrella de la portada: Richard Davalos, actor, en una imagen de 'Al Este Del Edén' (1955, Elia Kazan), una de las películas favoritas de Morrissey en su adolescencia. En la escena el rostro de Davalos aparecía detrás de James Dean, mirándole. Originalmente en la portada iba a aparecer el actor Harvey Keitel en una escena de la película de Scorsese 'Who`s That Knocking At My Door', pero Keitel no dio permiso para su aparición. American actor Richard Davalos, who is best known for his role as Aron Trask in 'East of Eden', the 1955 film directed by Elia Kazan. (Morrissey once wrote to his pen pal: "East of Eden is a wonderful film. My ambition is to track down Richard Davalos and interview him"). The cover of Strangeways is an East of Eden location picture. In the original picture Davalos is standing above James Dean and looking at him. Also, the original Strangeways cover design was a still of Harvey Keitel in the Martin Scorsese movie Who's That Knocking at My Door? - but Keitel declined.

Noviembre 1987|Single|'I Started Something I Couldn`t Finish'|Estrella de la portada: Avril Angers, actriz y comediante, en una imagen de la comedia británica de 1966 'The Family Way'. The cover star is distinguised comedienne and actress Avril Angers (who Morrissey admired) in the 1966 film 'The Family Way', a late Boutling Brothers comedy with a working class Bolton setting. Paul McCartney composed the soundtrack. In the picture Angers' character is in a church on her daughter's wedding day.

Diciembre 1987|Single|'Last Night I Dreamt That Somebody Loved Me'|Estrella de la portada: Billy Fury, cantante. Uno de los artistas favoritos de Morrissey, dijo sobre él: "A Billy Fury lo descubrieron mientras trabajaba en los muelles de Liverpool, se lo llevaron a Londres y practicamente lo forzaron a convertirse en una estrella. Siempre quiso hacer todas esas emocionantes baladas pero se encontró metido en toda aquella movida pop. Detestaba casi cada aspecto de la industria discográfica y tuvo tendencia a enfermar desde una edad temprana". Billy Fury is the cover star. In a 1984 interview Morrissey included Billy Fury's singles in his brief collection of most treasured people and possessions. Morrissey has told that Billy "was discovered working on the docks in Liverpool, was dragged to London, styled and forced to make records. He always wanted to make very emotional overblown ballads but found himself in the midst of the popular arena. He despised almost every aspect of the music industry and was very, very ill from early age".

Septiembre 1988|Álbum|'Rank'|Estrella de la portada: Alexandra Bastedo, actriz de la serie británica de los 60s 'The Champions' y activista por los derechos de los animales. La fotografía aparecía en el libro de John D. Green y David Tree 'Birds of Britain', que mostraba imágenes de todas esas mujeres británicas iconos de aquel tiempo. Cover star is British actress Alexandra Bastedo. The sleeve picture is taken from 'Birds of Britain', a 1967 photo book by John D. Green and David Tree with a lot of portraits of british iconic women. Bastedo and Morrissey both are animal rights activists.
EscuchaListen THE SMITHS
▶'Bigmouth Strikes Again'
▶'Rubber Ring'
▶'Girl Afraid'
▶'What She Said'
▶'The Queen Is Dead'
▶'Sweet and Tender Hooligan'
▶'Nowhere Fast'
▶'Handsome Devil'
▶'The Headmaster Ritual'
▶'Barbarism Begins at Home'
▶'Rusholme Ruffians'
▶'How Soon Is Now'
▶'Heavens Knows I'm Miserable Now'
▶'I Started Something I Couldn't Finish'
▶'Well I Wonder'

Rock'n' roll fans por Jürgen Vollmer

James Dean con su 1ª moto

Shelagh Delaney por Arnold Newman. Manchester, 1961.

Truman Capote por Cecil Beaton

Elvis Presley en su 1ª foto promocional, tomada en 1955 por su peluquero

Thomas Vlassenroot (Alain Delon), L’insoumis (1964)
Vulgar Picture
Rock Explosion
Chart Stats
▶Placebo·'Bigmouth strikes again'
▶Nouvelle Vague·'Sweet and Tender Hooligan'
▶Janice Whaley·'The Complete Smiths Project'

Octubre 1983|Single|'This Charming Man'|Estrella de la portada: Jean Marais, actor francés, en una escena de la película de Jean Cocteau 'Orfeo'. El actor fue pareja de Cocteau. Las portadas de los Smiths eran generalmente el resultado del trabajo y selección de su cantante y letrista Morrissey y de los diseñadores Jo Slee y Caryn Gough. The cover star is french actor Jean Marais in a still from Jean Cocteau's 1949 film 'Orpheé'. The Smiths cover art was generally the result of the work and ideas by the leader of the band, Morrissey, and designers Jo Slee and Caryn Gough.

Enero 1984|Single|'What Difference Does It Make'|Estrella de la portada: Terence Stamp, actor, en una escena de 'El Coleccionista'. El actor protestó por su aparición en la portada y en futuras impresiones aparecía el propio cantante de la banda, Morrissey, en una recreación de la misma imagen. The album cover is Terence Stamp in the 1965 film 'The Collector'. Stamp objected to his photograph being used and Morrissey had to recreate the shot for further pressings.

Febrero 1984|Álbum|'The Smiths'|Estrella de la portada: Joe Dallesandro, actor, en una captura de una escena de la película de Andy Wathol y Paul Morrissey 'Flesh' (1968). The cover star is Joe Dallesandro from the 1968 film 'Andy Warhol's FLESH', directed by Paul Morrissey. Morrissey drew again from Warhol's misfit "superstar" crowd for 'Sheila takes A Bow', featuring actress Candy Darling.

Mayo 1984|Single|'Heaven Knows I`m Misearble Now'|Estrella de la portada: Viv Nicholson, ganadora británica de una cantidad record en las quinielas en 1961, en una imagen de su libro 'Spend Spend Spend'. A partir de cobrar el dinero Nicholson pasó por una desgracia tras otra y se arruinó en poco tiempo. En la fotografía aparece poco después del fallecimiento de su marido en un accidente de automóvil. Su libro fue una de las obsesiones de adolescente de Morrissey. The 'cover star' is 1961 Pools winner Viv Nicholson whose northern rags to riches to rags story ('Spend Spend Spend') fascinated Morrissey (she also features on the sleeve of 'Barbarism Begins At Home'). The two actually met. The picture shows Nicholson standing outside her childhood home just after her husband had died. The crass tabloid uproar about the b-side, and assumptions that the cover star was Myra Hindley may in part account for the cover's scarcity.

Agosto 1984|Single|'William, It Was Really Nothing'|Estrella de la portada: Billie Whitelaw, actriz. Al parecer la protagonista declaró estar entusiasmada por este homenaje. Mucho tiempo después aparecería en uno de los primeros vídeos del cantante ya en solitario. British actor Billie Whitelaw. The picture is a still from 'Charlie Bubbles', a movie directed by Albert Finney in 1967. Apparently Whitelaw was "more than happy" to appear on the cover. Much later on she would appear in a video for one of Morrissey's early solo songs.

Noviembre 1984|Álbum|'Hatful Of Hollow'|Portada: El individuo de la foto tomada por Gilles Decroix es un tal Fabrice Colette, al que se le ve en esta portada original un tatuaje de un dibujo de Jean Cocteau sacado de un dibujo de 'El Libro Blanco'. Al parecer (como se puede leer en Morrissey-solo) la imagen fue publicada originalmente en un especial de 1983 de la revista francesa Liberation sobre Cocteau en el que aparecía la imagen de este chico que lo idolatraba. En futuras ediciones la fotografía sería recortada y el tatuaje no se vería. Cosas de la vida, en su momento estaba convencido que era un retrato del dramaturgo Joe Orton. Sleeve image is a 1983 photo taken by Gilles Decroix for french Liberation magazine of a Jean Cocteau fan named Fabrice Colette sporting a Cocteau tattoo of a drawing seen in his 'The White Book'. Funny thing is I used to believe (can't remember why now) it was a portrait of British playwright Joe Orton.

Single|'William, It Was Really Nothing'|Estrella de la portada: Colin Campbell, actor, en una escena de 'The Leather Boys'. Sleeve shows Colin Campbell in a still from the seminal '60s film 'The Leather Boys'.

Single|'Barbarism Begins At Home'|Estrella de la portada: Viv Nicholson, ganadora de la lotería británica, en una imagen de su libro 'Spend Spend Spend'. Viv Nicholson, winner of 1961 British football pools, in a picture taken from her book 'Spend Spend Spend'.

Marzo 1985|Single|'Shakespears`s Sister'|Estrella de la portada: Patricia Phoenix, actriz, una de las protagonistas de la histórica serie-telenovela británica 'Coronation Street'. Cover star is Pat Phoenix, British actress best known for her role as Elsie Tanner in 'Coronation Street'. Morrissey about her: "Oh, she was simply a blizzard of professionalism - of goodwill, of warmth - she was like a hurricane. She just simply exploded into the room and I was quite taken aback by this. You simply wanted to rush towards her bosom - and - you know - remain there forever."

'That Joke Isn't Funny Anymore'|1 Julio 1985|Portada: actor infantil ucraniano desconocido de un fotograma de una película de 1965 que aparecía en un libro que pertenecía a Morrissey. The cover star is an unknown Ukrainian child actor who appeared in an unknown 1965 Movie still appearing in a book owned by Morrissey

Septiembre 1985|Single|'The Boy With The Thorn In His Side'|Estrella de la portada: Truman Capote, escritor. La foto la tomó Cecil Beaton en 1949. Morrissey dijó en una ocasión sobre Capote: "No estoy seguro si Truman era un buen escritor o sólo una especie de mirón y cotilla, pero era tan divertido...". American author Truman Capote. The photograph was taken by Cecil Beaton in 1949. Morrissey has said about Capote: "I'm not even sure if Truman was a writer at all, or just someone who sneaked around and watched. But he was funny!".

Mayo 1986|Single|'Bigmouth Strikes Again'|Estrella de la portada: James Dean, en una fotografía de 1948 tomada en su pueblo natal (Fairmont, Indiana) por su amiga Nelva Jean Thomas. En la imagen Dean aparece con su primera moto, una Whizzer checa de 1947 (¿?), que le regaló su tío Marcus. Morrissey: "Mi interés en James Dean era algo puramente obsesivo, nada que ver con sus películas o el Arte que se le supone. No estoy seguro de sus habilidades para la interpretación. Para mí era una figura fascinante como símbolo de la autodestrucción". This rare photograph of James Dean was taken in 1948 by his friend Nelva Jean Thomas in his hometown Fairmount, Indiana. Dean is riding his first motorcycle, a 1947 Czech Whizzer (¿?), bought for him by his uncle Marcus. A quote by Morrissey: "[My] interest in James Dean was purely a physical obsession, and certainly nothing to do with his films or the art he may have striven for. I'm not really sure that he had any [acting skills]. He was just a fascinating symbol of self-destruction".

Junio 1986|Álbum|'The Queen Is Dead'|Estrella de la portada: Alain Delon, actor, en una escena de la película de 1964 'L`Insomius' ('La Muerte No Deserta'). Se rumorea que tras la disolución de la banda Morrisey se desprendió de gran cantidad de parafernalia y recuerdos de los Smiths pero entre las cosas que conservó con afecto se encuentra una carta que el actor le mandó en referencia a esta portada. French actor Alain Delon. The picture is a still from 'L'Insoumis', a movie directed by Alain Cavalier in 1964. (After The Smiths had broke up, Morrissey told that he'd thrown away all personal memorabilia connected with the group with the exception of a letter from Delon about this particular album sleeve.) The band also used the image as a 40ft stage backdrop on their 1986 tour.

Julio 1986|Single|'Panic'|Estrella de la portada: Richard Bradford, actor, estrella de la serie británica de 1967 'The Man In a Suitcase'. El actor declaró que le gustó aparecer en la portada porque le comentaron que eran una buena banda, pero la discográfica le envió una copia del single sin el disco en su interior por lo que asegura que nunca llegó a escuchar la canción. The cover star is Richard Bradford, from the 1967 ATV series 'Man In A Suitcase', in which he played a dismissed CIA agent working for hire in London, living out of his suitcase. A quote by Bradford himself: "Yes, I remember The Smiths. They wanted to use my picture and I said yeah. I heard they were a great band, but they sent me the finished cover without the record inside. So I've never heard 'Panic'".

Octubre 1986|Single|'Ask'|Estrella de la portada: Yootha Joyce, actriz británica, en una imagen de una película de 1965. Cover star is English actress Yootha Joyce. The picture is a still from 'Catch Us If You Can', a 1965 movie directed by John Boorman.

Enero 1987|Single|'Shoplifters Of The World Unite'|Estrella de la portada: Elvis Presley, en su primera foto promocional, realizada en 1955 por su peluquero. The young Elvis Presley photographed by James R. Reid, his hairdresser, in 1955. This was his first ever press shot.

Marzo 1987|Álbum|'The World Won`t Listen'|Portada y contraportada: Fotografías del libro de 1981 'Rock`n`roll times' de Jürgen Vollmer. Jürgen Vollmer's photographs of Hamburg's young Rock scene in the early 60s - most famously of the Beatles - won him Lennon's and McCartney's enduring admiration, and clearly that of Morrissey too. The pictures were published in his 1981 book 'Rock'n'Roll Times: The Style and Spirit of the Early Beatles and Their First Fans'.

Abril 1987|Single|'Sheila Take a Bow'|Estrella de la portada: Candy Darling, actriz transexual del ámbito de la Factory de Warhol, en una escena de la película 'Women In Revolt' (1971). American transsexual actress and model Candy Darling, who was also one of the Andy Warhol superstars. The picture is a still from 'Women In Revolt', a movie directed by Paul Morrissey and produced by Warhol in 1971.

Abril 1987|Álbum|'Louder Than Bombs'|Estrella de la portada: Shelagh Delaney, dramaturga. La fotografía fue tomada por Arnold Newman en Manchester en Agosto de 1961, un mes antes del estreno de la película basada en su obra más conocida. Morrissey dijo una vez: "No es ningún secreto que al menos el 50 por ciento de mi motivación para escribir se debe a Shelagh Delaney y su obra 'A Taste of Honey'. 'This Night Has Opened My Eyes' es una canción totalmente 'A Taste of Honey' - la obra entera en una canción". Cover star is playwrighter Shelagh Delaney in Manchester, 1961, photographed by Arnold Newman one month before the film 'A Taste of Honey' (based on her play) was premiered. Another Morrissey quote: "I've never made any secret of the fact that at least 50 per cent of my reason for writing can be blamed on Shelagh Delaney who wrote 'A Taste Of Honey'. And 'This Night Has Opened My Eyes' is a Taste Of Honey song - putting the entire play to words."

Agosto 1987|Single|'Girlfriend In A Coma'|Estrella de la portada: Shelagh Delaney, dramaturga. British playwright Shelagh Delaney, who's best known for her play 'Taste of Honey' (1958) and the film based on it. Morrissey's said that there's "strange sexiness about her, even with her overcoat on".

Septiembre 1987|Álbum|'Strangeways Here We Come'|Estrella de la portada: Richard Davalos, actor, en una imagen de 'Al Este Del Edén' (1955, Elia Kazan), una de las películas favoritas de Morrissey en su adolescencia. En la escena el rostro de Davalos aparecía detrás de James Dean, mirándole. Originalmente en la portada iba a aparecer el actor Harvey Keitel en una escena de la película de Scorsese 'Who`s That Knocking At My Door', pero Keitel no dio permiso para su aparición. American actor Richard Davalos, who is best known for his role as Aron Trask in 'East of Eden', the 1955 film directed by Elia Kazan. (Morrissey once wrote to his pen pal: "East of Eden is a wonderful film. My ambition is to track down Richard Davalos and interview him"). The cover of Strangeways is an East of Eden location picture. In the original picture Davalos is standing above James Dean and looking at him. Also, the original Strangeways cover design was a still of Harvey Keitel in the Martin Scorsese movie Who's That Knocking at My Door? - but Keitel declined.

Noviembre 1987|Single|'I Started Something I Couldn`t Finish'|Estrella de la portada: Avril Angers, actriz y comediante, en una imagen de la comedia británica de 1966 'The Family Way'. The cover star is distinguised comedienne and actress Avril Angers (who Morrissey admired) in the 1966 film 'The Family Way', a late Boutling Brothers comedy with a working class Bolton setting. Paul McCartney composed the soundtrack. In the picture Angers' character is in a church on her daughter's wedding day.

Diciembre 1987|Single|'Last Night I Dreamt That Somebody Loved Me'|Estrella de la portada: Billy Fury, cantante. Uno de los artistas favoritos de Morrissey, dijo sobre él: "A Billy Fury lo descubrieron mientras trabajaba en los muelles de Liverpool, se lo llevaron a Londres y practicamente lo forzaron a convertirse en una estrella. Siempre quiso hacer todas esas emocionantes baladas pero se encontró metido en toda aquella movida pop. Detestaba casi cada aspecto de la industria discográfica y tuvo tendencia a enfermar desde una edad temprana". Billy Fury is the cover star. In a 1984 interview Morrissey included Billy Fury's singles in his brief collection of most treasured people and possessions. Morrissey has told that Billy "was discovered working on the docks in Liverpool, was dragged to London, styled and forced to make records. He always wanted to make very emotional overblown ballads but found himself in the midst of the popular arena. He despised almost every aspect of the music industry and was very, very ill from early age".

Septiembre 1988|Álbum|'Rank'|Estrella de la portada: Alexandra Bastedo, actriz de la serie británica de los 60s 'The Champions' y activista por los derechos de los animales. La fotografía aparecía en el libro de John D. Green y David Tree 'Birds of Britain', que mostraba imágenes de todas esas mujeres británicas iconos de aquel tiempo. Cover star is British actress Alexandra Bastedo. The sleeve picture is taken from 'Birds of Britain', a 1967 photo book by John D. Green and David Tree with a lot of portraits of british iconic women. Bastedo and Morrissey both are animal rights activists.
EscuchaListen THE SMITHS
▶'Bigmouth Strikes Again'
▶'Rubber Ring'
▶'Girl Afraid'
▶'What She Said'
▶'The Queen Is Dead'
▶'Sweet and Tender Hooligan'
▶'Nowhere Fast'
▶'Handsome Devil'
▶'The Headmaster Ritual'
▶'Barbarism Begins at Home'
▶'Rusholme Ruffians'
▶'How Soon Is Now'
▶'Heavens Knows I'm Miserable Now'
▶'I Started Something I Couldn't Finish'
▶'Well I Wonder'

Rock'n' roll fans por Jürgen Vollmer

James Dean con su 1ª moto

Shelagh Delaney por Arnold Newman. Manchester, 1961.

Truman Capote por Cecil Beaton

Elvis Presley en su 1ª foto promocional, tomada en 1955 por su peluquero

Thomas Vlassenroot (Alain Delon), L’insoumis (1964)
Vulgar Picture
Rock Explosion
Chart Stats
▶Placebo·'Bigmouth strikes again'
▶Nouvelle Vague·'Sweet and Tender Hooligan'
▶Janice Whaley·'The Complete Smiths Project'