"Aquellos polvos"
"Buen viaje"
"Dios la perdone. Y era su madre."
"El amor y la muerte"
"Hasta la muerte"
"Hilan delgado"
"Mala noche"
"Nadie nos ha visto"
"Nadie se conoce"
"Ni más ni menos"
"Porque fue sensible"
"Que viene el coco"
"Se quebró el cántaro"
"Si amanece nos vamos"
"Si sabrá más el discípulo"
"Todos caerán"
"Unos a otros"
"Ya van desplumados"
>Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando
Los grabados satíricos de Goya, conocidos como "Caprichos" y "Disparates", son una crítica socarrona pero feroz a la sociedad española de entonces, pero que se puede trasladar a la actual y por extensión a la mundial a poco que uno hile fino. De representación cercana a la pesadilla, pero de temática cotidiana, van acompañados de título mordaz para refrendar la especie de moraleja que se desprende de semejante crítica a la mezquindad diaria. Goya también practicó el grabado y la litografía con temática más "seria", la tauromaquia y la guerra. Se pueden visitar en varios lugares, ninguna reproducción iguala la sensación de tenerlos delante, aunque por numerosos saturen de una tacada. Un buen sitio para echar una mirada general es el espacio dedicado a los grabados en la planta alta del Museo Goya en el aún entrañable y golfo barrio zaragozano de la Magdalena.
The satirical engravings by Goya, known as "Caprichos" (whims) and "Disparates" (nonsense), are a sly but ferocious critique of Spanish society of that time, but with small effort can be transferred to the present and by extension to the world. Fierce drawings, almost like nightmares, but with daily themes, they are accompanied by a bitter title to endorse the kind of moral that follows from such criticism of everyday pettiness. Goya also practiced this technique with more "serious" themes, bullfighting and war. The result is present in several places, no reproduction equals the feeling of having the originals in front, although by its amount the work saturate in one visit. A good place to take a general look is the space dedicated to it on the top floor of the Goya Museum in the still endearing and naughty neighborhood of Magdalena in Zaragoza.
The satirical engravings by Goya, known as "Caprichos" (whims) and "Disparates" (nonsense), are a sly but ferocious critique of Spanish society of that time, but with small effort can be transferred to the present and by extension to the world. Fierce drawings, almost like nightmares, but with daily themes, they are accompanied by a bitter title to endorse the kind of moral that follows from such criticism of everyday pettiness. Goya also practiced this technique with more "serious" themes, bullfighting and war. The result is present in several places, no reproduction equals the feeling of having the originals in front, although by its amount the work saturate in one visit. A good place to take a general look is the space dedicated to it on the top floor of the Goya Museum in the still endearing and naughty neighborhood of Magdalena in Zaragoza.