Uno de los primeros retratistas de Marilyn Monroe, amigo personal de la actriz y también responsable de su última y polémica sesión (el trabajo proyectado para Vogue y que la mostraba semidesnuda y durante el cual se emborracharon e intentó sin éxito conquistarla). Bert Stern es también el autor de otros iconos clásicos de la fotografía como los retratos de Sue Lyon para la promoción y cartelería de la película de Kubrick 'Lolita'.
An early photographer for Marilyn Monroe and a personal friend of the actress he was responsible as well for her last and controversial session (a work projected for Vogue magazine that showed her half naked and in wich he tried with no success to make up with her on their drunkness on champagne and vodka). Bert Stern is the author of other classic icons of photography as those famous portraits of Sue Lyon for promotion and posters of the Kubrick film 'Lolita'.

Mira la última sesión de Marilyn
Watch Marilyn last sittingAn early photographer for Marilyn Monroe and a personal friend of the actress he was responsible as well for her last and controversial session (a work projected for Vogue magazine that showed her half naked and in wich he tried with no success to make up with her on their drunkness on champagne and vodka). Bert Stern is the author of other classic icons of photography as those famous portraits of Sue Lyon for promotion and posters of the Kubrick film 'Lolita'.

Mira la última sesión de Marilyn
▶The Shangri-Las·'Great Big Kiss'