Apocalypstick por Lucy Lux es una de las tantas buenísimas sesiones de música a modo de programas de radio particulares realizados por usuarios registrados y colgados en la sección de Podcasts de la página GaragePunk.com. Esas son las sesiones que yo prefiero pero se pueden encontrar otras si se abre el enlace de Apocalypstyck al principio de este texto y se mira en la parte derecha de la página GaragePunk.com que se mostrará. Ahí aparece la lista 'Categories' que no es más que un índice de todas las sesiones musicales de los usuarios.
It's one of those great collection of playlists (or rather could call it personal radio shows) one can listen to at the Podcasts section from wonderfull GaragePunk.com website. I love those Apocalypstick sessions done by a girl going under the name Lucy Lux but all the rest are brilliant too. You can find one that suits you better if you click on the Apocalypstick link at the beginning of this text and look on the right side of the oppened GaragePunk.com site where you will find the 'Categories' roll with all the podcasts by the registered users listed there.

'Lucy Lux'
[vía Funkwelle FM]It's one of those great collection of playlists (or rather could call it personal radio shows) one can listen to at the Podcasts section from wonderfull GaragePunk.com website. I love those Apocalypstick sessions done by a girl going under the name Lucy Lux but all the rest are brilliant too. You can find one that suits you better if you click on the Apocalypstick link at the beginning of this text and look on the right side of the oppened GaragePunk.com site where you will find the 'Categories' roll with all the podcasts by the registered users listed there.

'Lucy Lux'
▶Connie Lingus·'Fuck Me Forever'
▶The Cramps·'Hanky Panky'