miércoles, 9 de febrero de 2011

Jim "Flash" Miteff

En los años 60 Jim "Flash" Miteff disparó cientos de fotografías de sus colegas del Club Motorista de los Outlaws (el mismo Club con el que convivió Danny Lyon para su trabajo 'The Bikeriders'), que permanecieron inéditas durante mucho tiempo y finalmente fueron editadas en libro por su hija.

In the 1960s Jim "Flash" Miteff shot several hundred photographs of partners in the Motorcycle Club he was a member of, the Outlaws (same one Danny Lyon shot for his famous 'The Bikeriders' project). The negatives remained in storage and unplished for about forty years until his daughter took personal interest on the work being known by the public in the two books she has edited to this date.

Flash Productions
Detroit Metro Times
Nero Magazine

Burl Ives·'Long Black Veil'
Johnny Cash·'Long Black Veil' (Unearthed version)