Músico australiano de origen griego, actualmente residente en Francia, que ha colaborado a lo largo de los años con algunos miembros de las bandas de Nick Cave de cuya música tiene remiscencias, pero que ha sido comparado más frecuentemente con el sonido de otros artistas como Leonard Cohen o John Cale...
Australian musician of Greek origins, now resident in France, who has collaborated along the years some way or another with members of the bands of Nick Cave to whose music is somehow reminiscent although his songs could remind more to the likes of Leonard Cohen or John Cale...
Australian musician of Greek origins, now resident in France, who has collaborated along the years some way or another with members of the bands of Nick Cave to whose music is somehow reminiscent although his songs could remind more to the likes of Leonard Cohen or John Cale...
'Into the day' (extractosexcerpts)
▶Jim Yamouridis·'Ragged or Whole'
▶Jim Yamouridis·'Say Goodbye' (Blogotheque's Videos)
▶Jim Yamouridis·'Ragged or Whole' (Blogotheque's Videos)
▶PJ Harvey & John Parish·'The Rider' (Jim Yamouridis cover)