Ya mencioné por aquí alguna vez al músico suizo Reverend Beat Man, peculiar hombre-orquesta y responsable de la casa de discos Voodoo Rythm Records. Esto que escucho, 'Reverend Beat Man's Dusty Record Cabinet', es una selección de música realizada por él y editada por Moi J'Connais Records, pequeña discográfica regentada por Mama Rosin. En el disco hay todo tipo de música pero con un nexo común, un poco de sentido del humor y buenas canciones de artistas de serie B. Un sentido homenaje al "mal gusto" del Reverendo. Joyitas de la contracultura, o mejor dicho subcultura, para disfrutar con los oídos.
Y además de este disco existe la posibilidad de escuchar y descargar más de lo mismo aquí y aquí.
I already mentioned before in the blog the Swiss musician Reverend Beat Man, trashy blues one-man-band and responsible for the record company Voodoo Rhythm. This stuff I'm listening to, 'Reverend Beat Man's Dusty Record Cabinet', is a compilation of tracks selected by him and published by Mama Rosin's small label Moi J'Connais Records. On the album all kinds of music but with a common bond, a little sense of humor and good obscure songs by "B series" artists on what could count as a tribute to "bad taste" according to the Reverend. Gems of the counterculture, or rather subculture, to enjoy with the ears.
And there is a better chance to listen to or download more of the same here and here.
Y además de este disco existe la posibilidad de escuchar y descargar más de lo mismo aquí y aquí.
I already mentioned before in the blog the Swiss musician Reverend Beat Man, trashy blues one-man-band and responsible for the record company Voodoo Rhythm. This stuff I'm listening to, 'Reverend Beat Man's Dusty Record Cabinet', is a compilation of tracks selected by him and published by Mama Rosin's small label Moi J'Connais Records. On the album all kinds of music but with a common bond, a little sense of humor and good obscure songs by "B series" artists on what could count as a tribute to "bad taste" according to the Reverend. Gems of the counterculture, or rather subculture, to enjoy with the ears.
And there is a better chance to listen to or download more of the same here and here.