Banda sonora de la película 'Searching For The Wrong-Eyed Jesus', documental que muestra un viaje muy personal a la manera de una road movie [es decir, película de carretera] a los paisajes y la temática del Sur profundo estadounidense de la mano del músico Jim White. En los créditos iniciales el documental se presenta así: "Un punto de partida simple - un disco recibido como regalo de Navidad. Un disco con un título muy raro, 'Wrong Eyed Jesus! (The Mysterious Tale of How I Shouted)' [algo así como 'El Misterioso Cuento de Cómo Grité Jesús Mal de Ojos']. Era un disco tan lleno de extrañeza que te tenías que preguntar, en un mundo cada vez más pequeño, de donde venía esa música. La película es un empeño en buscar ese sitio. Jim White, el artista que hizo ese disco, accedió a ser nuestro guía". En el más que interesante disco publicado para la ocasión se escuchan canciones con alguna conexión con la música del sur de Estados Unidos (interpretadas por el propio Jim White y otros como el ex-New York Dolls David Johansen, The Handsome Family, Cat Power, Johnny Dowd o 16 Horsepower entre otros) que en la película aparecen como pasajes o actuaciones musicales que sirven para enlazar o ilustrar escenas de ese viaje de presentación de la peculiar y fuerte cultura sureña estadounidense.
Magnificent soundtrack for the 'Searching For The Wrong-Eyed Jesus' documentary, a very personal journey (in a road movie way) through several aspects and landscapes of the United Sates' deep South culture with musician Jim White. In the initial credits the documentary is presented like this: "A simple enough beginning – a record recieved as a christmas gift. A record with a highly unusual title, 'Wrong Eyed Jesus! (The Misterious Tale Of How I Shouted)'. It was a record so full of strangeness you had to wonder, in a shrinking world, where this music came from. The film sets out to look for that place. Jim White, the artist who made that record, agreed to come along as our guide."
In this very enjoyable record published as the soundtrack one cand find several songs related to U.S.A. southern music played here by Jim White himself but also starring other artists such as David Johansen (ex New York Dolls), The Handsome Family, Cat Power, Johnny Dowd or 16 Horsepower, music that in the film act as a bond in the form of performances or background music to illustrate different scenes from the trip.
▶The Handsome Family·'My sister's tiny hands'
▶16 Horsepower·'Black Soul Choir'
▶Jim White·'A perfect day to chase tornados' (Wrong-Eyed Jesus!)
Magnificent soundtrack for the 'Searching For The Wrong-Eyed Jesus' documentary, a very personal journey (in a road movie way) through several aspects and landscapes of the United Sates' deep South culture with musician Jim White. In the initial credits the documentary is presented like this: "A simple enough beginning – a record recieved as a christmas gift. A record with a highly unusual title, 'Wrong Eyed Jesus! (The Misterious Tale Of How I Shouted)'. It was a record so full of strangeness you had to wonder, in a shrinking world, where this music came from. The film sets out to look for that place. Jim White, the artist who made that record, agreed to come along as our guide."
In this very enjoyable record published as the soundtrack one cand find several songs related to U.S.A. southern music played here by Jim White himself but also starring other artists such as David Johansen (ex New York Dolls), The Handsome Family, Cat Power, Johnny Dowd or 16 Horsepower, music that in the film act as a bond in the form of performances or background music to illustrate different scenes from the trip.
▶The Handsome Family·'My sister's tiny hands'
▶16 Horsepower·'Black Soul Choir'
▶Jim White·'A perfect day to chase tornados' (Wrong-Eyed Jesus!)