Oscurecido para la historia popular por, ya se sabe, su infame conducta con la buena de Tina Turner (que, dicho sea de paso, no entiendo por qué nunca se cambió el apellido), sin embargo la aportación de Ike a la evolución de la música moderna es más interesante e importante de lo que pudiera parecer. Sus producciones, tonadas y toque son claves para entender la evolución del soul y rock'n'roll y otros géneros. No en vano aquel 'Rocket 88' que tanto le debe es considerado por muchos (creo que algo erróneamente en mi humilde opinión) como el primer single propiamente rock'n'roll. En cualquier caso y a pesar de la antipatía que despierta (merecidamente si creemos lo que se cuenta de él), esta recopilación de sus producciones en Estudio es puro placer para los oídos.
Obscured to popular history due to, you know, his infamous behavior with the good Tina Turner (who, by the way, I don't understand why she never changed her last name), Ike's contribution to the evolution of modern music is more interesting and important than it might appear. His productions, tunes and playing are key to understand the evolution of soul and rock'n'roll and other genres. In fact his 'Rocket 88' is considered by many (I think somehow wrongly in my humble opinion) as the proper first rock'n'roll single. Anyway, despite the general antipathy towards him (well deserved if we believe how the story is told), this new compilation featuring some of his Studio productions is pure pleasure for the ears.
Obscured to popular history due to, you know, his infamous behavior with the good Tina Turner (who, by the way, I don't understand why she never changed her last name), Ike's contribution to the evolution of modern music is more interesting and important than it might appear. His productions, tunes and playing are key to understand the evolution of soul and rock'n'roll and other genres. In fact his 'Rocket 88' is considered by many (I think somehow wrongly in my humble opinion) as the proper first rock'n'roll single. Anyway, despite the general antipathy towards him (well deserved if we believe how the story is told), this new compilation featuring some of his Studio productions is pure pleasure for the ears.