Segunda entrega recién publicada de esta colección de versiones del cancionero tradicional de marineros y piratas con producción de Hall Wilner e ideada por Johnny Depp y Gore Verbinski. Esta vez contribuyen figuras como Tom Waits, Keith Richards, Shane McGowan (The Pogues), Marianne Faithfull, Patti Smith, Iggy Pop, etc., etc...
Second volume just published of this collection of versions of sailors' and pirates' traditional songs produced by Hal Willner upon an idea of Johnny Depp and Gore Verbinski. This time contributing figures include Tom Waits, Keith Richards, Shane McGowan (The Pogues), Marianne Faithfull, Patti Smith, Iggy Pop, etc., etc...

Keith Richards
EscuchaListen ('Son of Rogues Gallery')
▶Tom Waits & Keith Richards·'Shenandoah'
▶Shane MacGowan·'Leaving of Liverpool'