Se ha editado recientemente el que es, como su explícito título indica, un álbum póstumo del actor Guillaume Depardieu (1971-2008), ese hijo "problemático" del no menos polémico Gérard Depardieu, quien parece tener una relación complicada con toda su prole. Precisamente una de las hermanas de Guillaume, Julie, quien reniega bastante de su padre hasta el punto de excusar una operación de cirugía estética para disimular el parecido (a pesar de ser bien conocida como actriz por el mismo apellido), ha sido la encargada de supervisar la edición de esta despedida musical, la única publicación en ese campo de su protagonista y en la que se oye una onda común que podría decirse parece algo como nueva chanson pop, con sus correspondientes letras descarnadas sobre los avatares de las relaciones pasionales.
It got published recently what is, as its explicit title states, a posthumous music album by actor Guillaume Depardieu (1971-2008), that "problematic" son of the no less controversial Gérard Depardieu, who seems to have a complicated relationship with all his progeny. One of Guillaume's sister, Julie, who has enough trouble with his father to the point of using the desire to hide her physical resemblance with him as an excuse for her nose surgery (despite being well known as an actress by the same last name), is the person in charge of the details of the publishing of this musical farewell, the only one in that field by Guillaume, and one that can sound somehow like new chanson pop to put it in some place, lyrics mainly about the ups and downs of passionate relationships.
[Fotos: Nicolas Guérin]
▶Guillaume Depardieu·'Je mets les voiles'
▶Guillaume Depardieu·'Fast Food'
▶Guillaume Depardieu·'Faisons l'amour'
It got published recently what is, as its explicit title states, a posthumous music album by actor Guillaume Depardieu (1971-2008), that "problematic" son of the no less controversial Gérard Depardieu, who seems to have a complicated relationship with all his progeny. One of Guillaume's sister, Julie, who has enough trouble with his father to the point of using the desire to hide her physical resemblance with him as an excuse for her nose surgery (despite being well known as an actress by the same last name), is the person in charge of the details of the publishing of this musical farewell, the only one in that field by Guillaume, and one that can sound somehow like new chanson pop to put it in some place, lyrics mainly about the ups and downs of passionate relationships.
[Fotos: Nicolas Guérin]
▶Guillaume Depardieu·'Je mets les voiles'
▶Guillaume Depardieu·'Fast Food'
▶Guillaume Depardieu·'Faisons l'amour'