'Atlas' es un denso, explícito y algo axfisiante poema visual sobre los abismos de la prostitución y la droga a lo largo del planeta, realizado por el fotógrafo de la Agencia Magnum, Antoine D'Agata, quien ha hecho de sus personales retratos de los rincones más sórdidos de la noche su modo de vida. Dando voz poética y filmando a diferentes mujeres con las que trata en esas visitas a los bajos fondos, enlaza fotogramas que son como frescos siniestros en claroscuro que dota a las imágenes de un cierto halo onírico que se ajusta a la neblina y el ánimo producido por la droga y el ambiente reflejado, muy en sintonía con sus fotografías.
Sólo apto para muy interesados.
'Atlas' is a dense, explicit and hard visual poem about the depths of prostitution and drugs across the planet that has as a regular user its director and photographer for Magnum Agency, Antoine D'Agata, whose personal portraits of the seedier corners of the night have defined his way of life. Giving poetic voice and filming different women he treated in such visits to the underworld, the film presents different frames that resemble paintings in chiaroscuro giving the images a certain dreamlike halo that fits mist and mood produced by drugs and that environment, very much in tune with his photographic work.
Only suitable for those very interested in the matter.
Francia 2013
Realizada por Antoine D'Agata
Sólo apto para muy interesados.
'Atlas' is a dense, explicit and hard visual poem about the depths of prostitution and drugs across the planet that has as a regular user its director and photographer for Magnum Agency, Antoine D'Agata, whose personal portraits of the seedier corners of the night have defined his way of life. Giving poetic voice and filming different women he treated in such visits to the underworld, the film presents different frames that resemble paintings in chiaroscuro giving the images a certain dreamlike halo that fits mist and mood produced by drugs and that environment, very much in tune with his photographic work.
Only suitable for those very interested in the matter.
Francia 2013
Realizada por Antoine D'Agata