ALISON MOSSHART: Después de unos conciertos en California nos alojamos en el Hilton cerca del aeropuerto de Los Ángeles porque teníamos que volar hasta nuestro próximo destino que era Austin, en Texas. Se suponía que el chófer del autobús tenía que reunirse con nosotros en Texas unos días más tarde. Tenía que llegar un Domingo, pero no apareció. 3 toneladas de metal oscuro se volatilizaron, con todas nuestras cosas dentro. Era surrealista. Bueno, se había aplicado ya un dispositivo de búsqueda cuando nuestro amigo Lalo Medina encontró el autobús -que no el chófer- a la espalda de un Best Western en Los Ángeles y me mantuvo al tanto, minuto a minuto, como un episodio de Cops, mientras 10 policías armados y un helicóptero llegaban a la escena y entraban al autobús.
BLASBERG: ¿Qué pasó con vuestras cosas?
MOSSHART: Lalo, el tipo más genial del planeta, lo empaquetó todo cuidadosamente y nos lo envió. Lo curioso es que las cosas del chófer también estaban allí -su chaqueta todavía en el respaldo del asiento y las llaves puestas. Había dejado el motor en marcha, que se paró cuando se acabó la gasolina. El motor del autobús se había ahogado y no se podía poner en marcha. Lalo tuvo que empaquetar todo a oscuras.
BLASBERG: ¿Crees que el chófer está muerto?
MOSSHART: Me gustaría saber dónde está. Muerto no, porque he oído que sigue robando autobuses. Parece que ese es su rollo. También me contaron que se pasó tres días de fiesta de cocaína con una prostituta. Parece que ese es su rollo también.
BLASBERG: ¿Robar autobuses y meterse coca con prostitutas? Parece un tipo enrollado.
MOSSHART: ¡Esos son mis fans! ¡Esa es la gente que quiero de público!
Alison Mosshart (The Kills, The Dead Weather...).
Extracto de una entrevista para la revista Interview.
MOSSHART: After our California gigs we stayed in a Hilton near the airport in L.A. because we were flying to our next tour stop in Austin, Texas. Our bus driver was supposed to meet us in Texas a few days later. It was a Sunday when he should have arrived, but he didn’t. Three tons of black metal vanished into thin air, with all of our things in it. It was surreal. Well, the manhunt was called off when the bus—but not the driver—was found behind a Best Western in L.A. by our friend Lalo Medina, who kept me abreast, minute by minute, like an episode of Cops, as 10 armed policemen and a helicopter arrived on the scene and entered the bus.
BLASBERG: What happened to your stuff?
MOSSHART: Lalo, the coolest dude alive, very nicely packed it up and sent it to us. The weird part was that all of the driver’s things were on the bus, too—his jacket still on the back of the seat and the keys still in the ignition. He left the motor running, and the generator died when the gas finally ran out. The bus was pitch-black and couldn’t be started—Lalo had to pack the bus up using a flashlight.
BLASBERG: Do you think the driver’s dead?
MOSSHART: I wish I knew where he was. He’s not dead, because I keep hearing he’s stolen more buses. I think that’s his thing. I also was told that he went on a three-day coke bender with a hooker—apparently that’s also his thing.
BLASBERG: Stealing buses and doing coke with hookers? Sounds like a great guy.
MOSSHART: Those are my fans! Those are the people I want to reach out to!
BLASBERG: What happened to your stuff?
MOSSHART: Lalo, the coolest dude alive, very nicely packed it up and sent it to us. The weird part was that all of the driver’s things were on the bus, too—his jacket still on the back of the seat and the keys still in the ignition. He left the motor running, and the generator died when the gas finally ran out. The bus was pitch-black and couldn’t be started—Lalo had to pack the bus up using a flashlight.
BLASBERG: Do you think the driver’s dead?
MOSSHART: I wish I knew where he was. He’s not dead, because I keep hearing he’s stolen more buses. I think that’s his thing. I also was told that he went on a three-day coke bender with a hooker—apparently that’s also his thing.
BLASBERG: Stealing buses and doing coke with hookers? Sounds like a great guy.
MOSSHART: Those are my fans! Those are the people I want to reach out to!
Alison Mosshart (The Kills, The Dead Weather...)
Interview magazine.
▶Alison Mosshart·'The Passenger' (Iggy Pop)