Documental sobre la intrincada personalidad y carrera musical de una de las mejores intérpretes que ha dado la Historia, Nina Simone. En el metraje de 'What Happened, Miss Simone?' ('¿Qué pasó, señora Simone?') se repasa su prodigio al piano desde tempranísima edad (4 años) y su complicado matrimonio (maltrato incluído) así como su obsesión con la revolución y los derechos civiles de su raza (influenciada por los tiempos y los obstáculos que encontró) y su bipolaridad y trastorno nervioso, agravado por el trabajo a destajo que su marido exigió de ella. Entre los muchos detalles de su vida que se repasan en el documental recordar que su nombre artístico (nombre real Eunice Waynon) lo adoptó para poder ganarse la vida tocando en tugurios sin que su madre lo descubriera y que su caída en desgracia tras su divorcio y el rechazo mediático resultado de su fiereza política y personal la llevó de vuelta, tras años como figura de la escena, a tocar en tugurios en París y a vivir una etapa paupérrima de la que afortunadamente la rescató un amigo. A la reina le era inevitable jugar con fuego y a veces se quemaba.
Documentary about the intricate musical personality and career of one of the best performers in history, Nina Simone. In the film her early prodigy piano playing is reviewed ( since she was 4) as well as her complicated marriage (abuse included) and her obsession with revolution and civil rights of her race (influenced by the times and obstacles encountered) and her bipolarity and nervous disorder aggravated by hard work her husband demanded as manager of her career. Among the many details of her life reviewed in the documentary it's reminded her stage name (real name Eunice Waynon) was adopted by her to avoid her mother finding out she made a living out of playing in bars and her later fall from grace after divorce and the consequences of her political and personal ferocity, which led her back after becoming a great stage name to playing in low places in Paris and living an impoverished life fortunately rescued from it by a friend. To the queen it was inevitable to play with fire and getting burned.
Documental, EE. UU. 2015
▶Nina Simone·'If You Knew' (Live at Carnegie Hall)
▶Nina Simone·'Return Home' (Live at Town Hall)
▶Nina Simone·'If You Knew' (Live at Carnegie Hall)
▶Nina Simone·'Return Home' (Live at Town Hall)