viernes, 29 de abril de 2016

Gentes de San Francisco por James Stark

San Francisco people by James Stark

'Doggie Diner #3'

'After the music': "Another cold and foggy free concert in Speedway Meadow at Golden Gate Park, she was left behind, her and her baby. Otro de esos conciertos fríos y despejados en Speedy Meadow en el parque Golden Gate; a ella y su bebé los dejaron abandonados."

'Airwaves': "Charlie Airwaves was a preformance artist. This photo was shot on the beach in San Francisco, he latter moved to LA. Charlie Airwaves era artista de performance. Saqué esta foto en la playa de SF. Más tarde se mudó a LA."

'Burlesque dressing room': "Back in the day when there were real burlesque houses on sixteenth street in San Francisco, today it is the Victorian Theater. The manager was Tiny Becker was later offed for taking to much money out of the till. De aquellos tiempos en que había auténticos sitios de burlesque en la calle 16, hoy es el Teatro Victorian. El gerente era Tiny Becker que luego fue acusado de robar demasiado dinero de la caja."

Car #1, Nevada City

'Carol Doda', Palace Theater

Cin, 3rd St. Bridge

'Cowboy', Grand National Rodeo

Frankie Fix & Johnny Strike, Crime

'Girl with Marilyn': "Yes that is a real Marilyn print by Warhol, no cheap litho knock off. Sí, esa es una auténtica litografía Marilyn de Warhol, no una reproducción barata."

'Martine': "Martine and her husband where from France. He was going to UC and she was an Illustrator. Martine y su marido eran franceses. Él iba a la Universidad de California y ella era ilustradora."

'Mary B.": "Mary was a party girl; she knew all the Rock Stars and the drugs they liked. I don't think she ever had a job. She died of a drug overdose while living at her mom's house. Mary era una chica fiestera, conocía a todas las estrellas del rock y las drogas que les gustaban. No creo que jamás tuviera un empleo. Murió de sobredosis en casa de su madre."

'Mary Jo": "This the result of a photo session with her husband, David. Photo was used for a Rolling Stone Calendar. Esto resultó de una sesión de fotos con su marido, David. La foto se usó para un calendario de la revista Rolling Stone."

'Mary J.": "She lived with her husband lived above the Palace Theater in San Francisco, across the street from Washington Park in North Beach. They had a film distribution business as a front for their drug distribution business. Yes, that is a real Matisse drawing on the wall. Ella vivía con su marido sobre el Teatro Palace, enfrente del Parque Washington en la playa North. Tenían un negocio de distribución de películas como cobertura de su negocio de distribución de droga."

'Living in the mission': "Young cholo with his 1953 Chevy. Un jovencito cholo con su Chevy de 1953."

'Players only': "Playland was an old time beach front amusement park that was torn down by the San Francisco Redevelopment in the mid Seventies. These guys were hanging out at one of the concessions. El Playland fue un viejo parque de atracciones playero que fue demolido por el plan de urbanismo de los 70s. Estos tipos se juntaban en una de las concesiones."

'Shoe Shine': "Cowboys getting the shoes shined at the Cow Palace durning the Grand National. Vaqueros limpiándose las botas en el Palacio de las vacas durante el Grand National Rodeo."

'Victoria #2": "Victoria lived in a Victorian on Sutter Street near Japan Town, which was latter torn down, in a Third Hand Fantasy World. Later she met Jim McCary and moved to Laurance Kansas. Victoria vivía en una casa victoriana en la calle Sutter cerca del barrio japonés; la casa fue derrumbada después en una especie de pesadilla tercermundista. Más tarde conoció a Jim McCary y se mudó a Kansas."

El fotógrafo James Stark, conocido por sus imágenes del ambiente pionero punk de San Francisco y especialmente de la banda proto-punk Crime, cuenta entre su obra con una interesante serie de retratos de gentes de San Francisco.
Photographer James Stark, better known for his images of early San Francisco punk and specially of proto-punk band Crime, has a succulent work of portraits of people in San Francisco.

Those Poor Bastards·'No One'
Tom waits·'Green Grass'
Hank Snow·'Hobo Bill's Last Ride'
The Nosebleeds·'Fascist Pigs' 
Wanda Jackson·'I Forgot To Remember...'
Charlie Feathers·'I Forgot To Remember'
Jerry Lee Lewis·'I Forgot To Remember...'
Elvis·'I Forgot To Remember...'
Johnny Cash·'I Forgot To Remember...'
Tom Waits·'Sins Of My Father'
Beth Gibbons·'L'Annulaire'
Big Sexy Noise·'Where You Gonna Run?'
The Ghost Wolves·'Shotgun Pistol Grip' 
Lonesome Wyatt & Rachel Brooke·'If The Beasts Should Hunt Us'
Ronny·'Blue Cabaret'
Silex Pistols·'Photo Photo'
The Mutants - New Drug (live SF 1978)