lunes, 16 de mayo de 2016

Blank City

'Blank City' (, 2010) es un documental que retrata la sinergia artística surgida como consecuencia de la escena punk setentera en los entonces desolados barrios bohemios y criminales del centro de Nueva York. Conocida como no wave (no ola como contraposición a las etiquetas y a la nueva ola de moda entonces), el ambiente vio surgir a numerosas bandas, fotógrafos o cineastas que daban una vuelta de tuerca más al amateurismo y el caos, experimentando en diferentes soportes con la falta de técnica y medios como bandera y probando los límites de la confrontación con la sociedad autocomplaciente en tiempos que veían asentarse una nueva corriente conservadora en la política y la opinión pública. El sida hizo mella en aquella generación, pero esa escena generó algunos de los artistas estadounidenses más interesantes de la contracultura.

'Blank City' (, 2010) is a documentary that portrays the artistic scene wich arosed at the end of the seventies and begginning of eighties as a result of the punk scene in the then desolate bohemian and criminal cheap neighborhoods of downtown New York. Known as no wave (a label against labels referring to the fashionable new wave that succeeded punk) , that atmosphere saw the emergence of numerous bands, photographers or filmmakers who gave a new twist to amateurism and chaos, experimenting in all kinds of media with the lack of technical skills and money as a motto and testing limits of confrontation with the self-indulgent society in times that settled a new conservative tendency in politics and public opinion. AIDS exterminated many of that generation, but some of the most interesting American counterculture artists arose from that scene.

▶︎Liquid Liquid·'Cavern'
▶︎Bush Tetras·'Can't Be Funky'
▶︎Glorious Strangers·'Move It Time'
▶︎8 Eyed Spy·'Diddy Wah Diddy'
▶︎Contortions·'Throw Me Away'
▶︎Contortions·'Sax Maniac'
▶︎Loose Joints·'It's All Over My Face'
▶︎The Del-Byzanteens·'Girl's Imagination'
▶︎Teenage Jesus & The Jerks·'Orphans'
▶︎Lydia Lunch·'Mechanical Flattery'
▶︎Ut·'Ampheta Speak'
▶︎The Static·'My Relationship'
▶︎DNA·'Blonde Red Head'
▶︎Ike Yard·'Night After Night'
▶︎The Feelies·'Moscow Nights'
▶︎Glenn Branca·'Lesson No. 1 For Electric Guitar'
▶︎The Dance·'Looking For The World'
▶︎Live Skull·'Mr. Groove'
▶︎Live Skull·'Machete'
▶︎Live Skull·'Sparky'
▶︎Rat At Rat R·'Asshole'
▶︎A Band - Lowly Worm / No Love
▶︎Bush Tetras - Too Many Creeps
▶︎Contortions - I Can't Stand Myself