>The London Rock And Roll Show - YouTube
En 1972 el Estadio Wembley londinense acogió un festival donde, ante una masa enfebrecida de fans, algunos pioneros y luminarias del rock como Chuck Berry, Bob Diddley, Jerry Lee Lewis, Little Richard o el luego malogrado Bill Haley desplegaron sus conocidos ritmos infecciosos. La televisión, peliculas, prensa y bandas británicas entre otras fuentes habían preparado el terreno en años previos para adorar los orígenes de la música popular. Con la presencia de gran cantidad de bandas de teddy boys en la audiencia y chiringuitos para algunas tiendas significativas como el Let It Rock de McLaren y Westwood (pre-punk), todo eso quedó recogido en la emblemática película que sobre el evento dirigió Peter Clifton, donde también se incluían entrevistas con jugosas declaraciones incendiarias testimonio de la antipatía personal entre Jerry Lee y Little Richard. Lamentablemente otras magníficas bandas que tocaron en el espectáculo no están en la filmación, con la excepción de un extracto de la aparición de Lord Sutch. Disfrútenlo mientras se pueda.
London's Wembley Stadium held a show in 1972 where, in front of a fevered mass of fans, some rock pioneers and luminaries such as Chuck Berry, Bob Diddley, Jerry Lee Lewis, Little Richard or Bill Haley played their famous infectious rhythms. TV, films, press and British bands among other sources had prepared the ground in previous years to really worship those origins of popular music. With lots of teddy boys gangs in the audience and the presence of shopping stands like the significant McLaren and Westwood's Let It Rock boutique (pre-punk), it is all shown in the cult film about the event directed by Peter Clifton, which also included interviews with inflammatory statements of personal antipathy between Little Richard and Jerry Lee. What a pity the other magnificent acts that also played that day are not in the film, with the exception of a little bit of Lord Sutch. Enjoy it while you can.
London's Wembley Stadium held a show in 1972 where, in front of a fevered mass of fans, some rock pioneers and luminaries such as Chuck Berry, Bob Diddley, Jerry Lee Lewis, Little Richard or Bill Haley played their famous infectious rhythms. TV, films, press and British bands among other sources had prepared the ground in previous years to really worship those origins of popular music. With lots of teddy boys gangs in the audience and the presence of shopping stands like the significant McLaren and Westwood's Let It Rock boutique (pre-punk), it is all shown in the cult film about the event directed by Peter Clifton, which also included interviews with inflammatory statements of personal antipathy between Little Richard and Jerry Lee. What a pity the other magnificent acts that also played that day are not in the film, with the exception of a little bit of Lord Sutch. Enjoy it while you can.