'Dark Net' es una serie documental de la cadena Showtime formada por mini-episodios en torno al nuevo panorama social originado por internet. En la serie se reflejan las extrañezas que afloran entre las sombras de la red, ese nuevo mundo de conectividad e interacción mundial: implantes y adicciones tecnológicas desatadas, relaciones exclusivamente virtuales, tráfico de armas, etcétera, el más aterrador de los episodios dedicado a la despiadada y devastadora pornografía infantil. Asímismo las sectas y cultos destructivos también tienen un cauce fácil para acceder a más público susceptible de manipulación o los ludópatas o compradores compulsivos se pueden arruinar la vida más rápidamente... Daños colaterales de un invento que ya no tiene marcha atrás y sólo hace que crecer. Obviamente al final lo jodido del asunto es que, sus muchos logros positivos aparte, también da rienda suelta a taras de la sociedad, más o menos expuestas como fiel reflejo de las sombras del mundo.
Showtime documentary series 'Dark Net' is made of mini-episodes on the new social landscape originated by online activities. In the show the oddities that emerge from the shadows of the network are reflected: tec implants and addictions, virtual relationships, weapons, etc., the most frightening episode dedicated to the ruthless devastating child pornography. Likewise destructive cults also have an easy channel to access to manipulative public or pathological gambling or compulsive shoppers can quickly ruin their life... Collateral damages of an invention that is here to stay and growing. The fact here seems to be that, many positive achievements aside, it also easily unleashes flaws of society, more or less exposed as a reflection of the shadows of the world.
Showtime documentary series 'Dark Net' is made of mini-episodes on the new social landscape originated by online activities. In the show the oddities that emerge from the shadows of the network are reflected: tec implants and addictions, virtual relationships, weapons, etc., the most frightening episode dedicated to the ruthless devastating child pornography. Likewise destructive cults also have an easy channel to access to manipulative public or pathological gambling or compulsive shoppers can quickly ruin their life... Collateral damages of an invention that is here to stay and growing. The fact here seems to be that, many positive achievements aside, it also easily unleashes flaws of society, more or less exposed as a reflection of the shadows of the world.