'Don't Dream It - See It'
Captain Zip, 1978
Phil Munnoch tenía por costumbre grabar películas caseras desde la infancia. A finales de los 70s, en plena eclosión del Punk, trabajaba en una agencia de publicidad en el centro de Londres. Cuando descansaba de su trabajo cambiaba sus ropas formales por el atuendo Punk y se juntaba con el resto de jóvenes que seguían esa moda. Apodado Captain Zip por las múltiples cremalleras de su ropa, siguió con su afición por la cámara Super 8 grabando algunas de esas jornadas con sus colegas y reflejando igualmente el ambiente de entonces. En su canal de YouTube se pueden ver algunas de esas películas, una mirada al movimiento original desde dentro, el más completo de esos retratos editado bajo el título 'La Muerte Es Su Destino' [1 y 2].
Phil Munnoch used to record home movies since childhood. In the late 70s, during the emerge of Punk, he worked at an advertising agency in the heart of London. During his time off work he traded his formal clothes into a Punk outfit to hung out with other young people who followed that fashion. Nicknamed Captain Zip for the multiple racks of his clothes, he continued to film with his Super 8 camera some of those days with his fellows also reflecting the atmosphere of the time. In his YouTube channel you can check out some of these films, an inner view of late 70s original punks, the most complete of those film portraits edited under the title 'Death Is Their Destiny' [1 & 2].
Phil Munnoch used to record home movies since childhood. In the late 70s, during the emerge of Punk, he worked at an advertising agency in the heart of London. During his time off work he traded his formal clothes into a Punk outfit to hung out with other young people who followed that fashion. Nicknamed Captain Zip for the multiple racks of his clothes, he continued to film with his Super 8 camera some of those days with his fellows also reflecting the atmosphere of the time. In his YouTube channel you can check out some of these films, an inner view of late 70s original punks, the most complete of those film portraits edited under the title 'Death Is Their Destiny' [1 & 2].