Noam Chosky (Filadelfia, 1928) es un intelectual que durante años ha venido denunciando el gradual, devastador y retrógrado sometimiento de la población general estadounidense en favor del secuestro de recursos y maquinaria social y económica por parte de una minoría elitista, algo que le ha valido el intento de desprestigio y mofa por parte de la opinión reaccionaria interesada en salvaguardar esa tendencia, denostado de vez en cuando etiquetándole como moda o pose ideológica. Además, esa práctica que él denuncia se ha ido extendiendo de diversas maneras a otros países y sistemas.
En la poco más de una hora de duración del documental 'Requiem Por El Sueño Americano' (Peter D. Hutchison & Kelly Nyks & Jared P. Scott, 2015) expone personalmente las evidencias que conforman las principales bases de su razonamiento.
Noam Chomsky (Philadelphia, 1928) is an intellectual who for years has been denouncing the gradual, devastating and retrograde submission of the US general population for the kidnapping of resources and social and economic machinery by an elitist minority, something that has earned him the attempt of smear and derision by the reactionary opinion interested in protecting that state of things, him denostated often and labeled as a pose or trend. That practice he warns about, indeed, has been extended to other countries and systems. In the documentary 'Requiem For The American Dream' (Peter D. Hutchison & Kelly Nyks & Jared P. Scott, 2015) he sets out personally the obvious basics of his reasoning.
Noam Chomsky (Philadelphia, 1928) is an intellectual who for years has been denouncing the gradual, devastating and retrograde submission of the US general population for the kidnapping of resources and social and economic machinery by an elitist minority, something that has earned him the attempt of smear and derision by the reactionary opinion interested in protecting that state of things, him denostated often and labeled as a pose or trend. That practice he warns about, indeed, has been extended to other countries and systems. In the documentary 'Requiem For The American Dream' (Peter D. Hutchison & Kelly Nyks & Jared P. Scott, 2015) he sets out personally the obvious basics of his reasoning.