Miron Zownir, cotizado fotógrafo de los márgenes de la sociedad, también escritor de novelas criminales con tintes semi-autobiográficos y (su primer y más preciado objetivo) cineasta muy personal, habla extensamente en este documental de su ajetreada vida, que le llevó a integrarse entre los primeros punks y skinheads en Londres o Berlín o a una existencia precaria en Nueva York y Los Ángeles, donde entre otras cosas fue extra de películas o fracasado machaca cobrador de deudas por droga, y de su descarnado trabajo fotográfico, para el que ha retratado, entre tantos otros temas extremos, los años americanos de libertinaje sexual y de drogadicción o los habitantes olvidados de Nueva York y Moscú, además de numerosos personajes de la bohemia más limítrofe. En el metraje define la palabra "radical", con la que tan insistentemente se le asocia, como una subjetividad irremediable carente de expectativas, vehemencia que le es inherente y que, para bien y para mal, le lleva a ser un provocador sin pretenderlo, historia constante de los inadaptados y lo diferente.
Miron Zownir, photographer of margins of society, also semi-autobiographical but for the most part fiction writer and (his first and most precious goal) very personal filmmaker, speaks widely in this documentary of his life, which led him to integrate among the first punks and skinheads in London or Berlin or to a precarious existence in New York and Los Angeles, where among other things was extra for Hollywood films or failed drugs debt collector, and of his work, for which he has portrayed, among many other extreme issues, American years of sexual and drugs debauchery or the most forgotten inhabitants of New York or Moscow, and numerous characters from the bohemian borderlife. In the footage he defines the word "radical", with which he is so strongly associated, as a hopeless subjectivity without expectations, a vehemency that for better or worse seem to make his work appear to regular society as a provocative statement, a constant in the story of outsiders and the differents.
Miron Zownir, photographer of margins of society, also semi-autobiographical but for the most part fiction writer and (his first and most precious goal) very personal filmmaker, speaks widely in this documentary of his life, which led him to integrate among the first punks and skinheads in London or Berlin or to a precarious existence in New York and Los Angeles, where among other things was extra for Hollywood films or failed drugs debt collector, and of his work, for which he has portrayed, among many other extreme issues, American years of sexual and drugs debauchery or the most forgotten inhabitants of New York or Moscow, and numerous characters from the bohemian borderlife. In the footage he defines the word "radical", with which he is so strongly associated, as a hopeless subjectivity without expectations, a vehemency that for better or worse seem to make his work appear to regular society as a provocative statement, a constant in the story of outsiders and the differents.
Documental, Alemania 2006
Dirigido por M.A. Littler