jueves, 29 de diciembre de 2011

The Philles Album Collection

'The Philles Album Collection' es una colección de 5 álbumes producidos por el autoproclamado genio de la producción musical, el actualmente convicto Phil Spector, supuestamente nunca editados integramente en cd, que contienen alguna de las canciones y grupos más emblemáticos de esa orquestación pop tan particular suya, llamada "wall of sound" ["muro de sonido"], como The Crystals o las Ronettes de su ex-mujer Ronnie Spector y que incluye las grabaciones de esa provisional banda de instrumentales llamada (como no) The Phil Spector Wall of Sound Orchestra. No tan completo como aquella caja con lo más destacable de su producción pero igualmente disfrutable.

'The Philles Album Collection' is a collection of 5 albums produced by the (self-proclaimed) genius of the music production, the now convicted Phil Spector, containing full records supposedly never edited entirely on CD, with some of the most iconic songs and groups performing those particular pop orchestrations of him (the so-called "wall of sound") as the Crystals or Ronettes (the latter the band of his ex-wife Ronnie Spector) and includes a recording of that provisional instrumentations orchestra called (obviously) The Phil Spector Wall of Sound Orchestra. Not as complete as that box with most of the highlights of his production, but also quite enjoyable.