Champion Jack Dupree (¿1910?-1992) fue un pianista e intérprete de Nueva Orleans que destacó por trasladar las raíces de su música de origen a la interpretación del Blues. Huérfano, se ganó la vida con las más diversas suertes: cómico, bailarín, boxeador, militar, cocinero, asalariado en el Cotton Club o piano solista en bares. Prolífico en sus grabaciones, diría que son las de los años 40s a 50s y primeros 60s las que son MUY recomendables... Este 'Women Blues' que escucho pertenece a una de sus muchas estancias en Europa, grabado en 1961 en Suiza con músicos locales, y a pesar de ello suena totalmente genuino.
Champion Jack Dupree (1910?-1992) was a New Orleans pianist and singer that applied the roots of the music of his origins to blues music. An orphan he earned his living in all different sorts: comedian, dancer, boxer, joining the army, cooking, working for the Cotton Club or as a solo pianist in bars. Quite prolific in his varied recordings I'd dare to say his 40s to 50s and first 60s solo records are the ones wich contain that AWESOME cool sound. This 'Women Blues' I'm listening belongs to one of his many european stays and despite it was recorded in Switzerland with local musicians sounds like total genuine stuff.
Champion Jack Dupree (1910?-1992) was a New Orleans pianist and singer that applied the roots of the music of his origins to blues music. An orphan he earned his living in all different sorts: comedian, dancer, boxer, joining the army, cooking, working for the Cotton Club or as a solo pianist in bars. Quite prolific in his varied recordings I'd dare to say his 40s to 50s and first 60s solo records are the ones wich contain that AWESOME cool sound. This 'Women Blues' I'm listening belongs to one of his many european stays and despite it was recorded in Switzerland with local musicians sounds like total genuine stuff.