William Burroughs. Foto: Brion Gysin
"Bajo el pretexto de las leyes anti-droga estados de policía represiva se han establecido en el Mundo del Oeste... mantienen una fachada democrática que designa como banda de auténticos criminales, pervertidos y drogadictos a todo el que se opone al control de la máquina. Ejércitos subterráneos... lanzan falsas alarmas a través de las ondas de la emisora policial dirigiendo las patrullas policiales hacia crímenes y revueltas que no existen lo que nos permite actuar en otras partes... Nuestro propósito es el caos total... Pretendemos marchar sobre la máquina policial en todas partes... Pretendemos destruir todos los sistemas dogmáticos verbales. Erradicaremos la unidad familiar y su expansión cancerosa en tribus, países, naciones y todas sus raíces vegetales. No queremos escuchar más charla familiar, charla maternal, charla paternal, charla policial, charla gubernamental o charla festiva. Para que se nos entienda, estamos hartos de tanta mierda."
William Burroughs, 'Los Chicos Salvajes' (1971)
"Under the pretext of drug control suppressive police states have been set up throughout the Western world... (they)maintain a democratic facade from behind which they loudly denounce as criminals, perverts and drug addicts anyone who opposes the control machine. Underground armies... put out false alarms on the police short wave radio directing patrol cars to non-existant crimes and riots which enables us to strike somewhere else... Our aim is total chaos... We intend to march on the police machine everywhere... We intend to destroy all dogmatic verbal systems. The family unit and its cancerous expansion into tribes, countries, nations we will eradicate at its vegetable roots. We don’t want to hear any more family talk, mother talk, father talk, cop talk, priest talk, country talk or party talk. To put it simply we have heard enough bullshit."
William Burroughs, 'The Wild Boys' (1971)
William Burroughs, 'Los Chicos Salvajes' (1971)
"Under the pretext of drug control suppressive police states have been set up throughout the Western world... (they)maintain a democratic facade from behind which they loudly denounce as criminals, perverts and drug addicts anyone who opposes the control machine. Underground armies... put out false alarms on the police short wave radio directing patrol cars to non-existant crimes and riots which enables us to strike somewhere else... Our aim is total chaos... We intend to march on the police machine everywhere... We intend to destroy all dogmatic verbal systems. The family unit and its cancerous expansion into tribes, countries, nations we will eradicate at its vegetable roots. We don’t want to hear any more family talk, mother talk, father talk, cop talk, priest talk, country talk or party talk. To put it simply we have heard enough bullshit."
William Burroughs, 'The Wild Boys' (1971)