Actress Rachel Weisz in a diptic entitled “For Dolls That Do Dishes”, 1991
Sarah on her knees
Shooting Sex (Vicky & Vanessa), 1999
The Whip and the Maid, 1998
Electronic Princess
Unexploded Female
Zebra Ass
Tite Street
Love Doll
Cat & Emma
Bound To Please
Blonde with cigarette
Adult Females Attack Without Provocation
Sticky Fingers
Bob Carlos Clarke (1950-2006) fue un reputado fotógrafo comercial a quien se calificó en ocasiones como "el nuevo Helmut Newton". A pesar del éxito laboral y de su matrimonio con una modelo que conoció en una sesión y con quien tuvo una hija, los últimos años fueron trágicos debido a una depresión clínica severa que le empujó finalmente a cometer suicidio arrojándose a las vías ante un tren de pasajeros en ruta. Se prepara un documental sobre su persona con el título 'The Obsessions of Bob Carlos Clarke' que al parecer aún anda buscando financiación para completarse.
Bob Carlos Clarke (1950-2006) was a renowed fashion and commercial photographer mentioned many times as the "new Helmut Newton". In spite of his success and being married with a model he met at a photoshoot and whom he had a daughter with, the last years of his life were tragic due to a severed clinical depression that at the end drove him to commit suicide throwing himself in front of a travelling passenger train. There is a documentary on the making waiting to complete finance support wich will be titled 'The Obssesions of Bob Carlos Clarke'.

Bob Carlos Clarke, photographed in 2005 by his 14-year-old daughter Scarlett
▶Nico Fidenco·'The Past'
▶Nico Fidenco·'La Ragazzina'
▶Nico Fidenco·'La Via Della Prostituzione'
▶Nico Fidenco·'Sandra's Dream'