'Warm Leatherette' es la cara B del single de debut de la banda de corta vida The Normal (nombre irónico), cuyo entonces único integrante, el británico Daniel Miller, editor de cine y fundador (a este single se debe el origen de la empresa) del prestigioso sello discográfico Mute (Nick Cave, Depeche Mode, etc.), publicó en 1978 arrebatado por la novela de J. G. Ballard 'Crash' (1973) e inspirado por el incipiente ambiente "hazlo-tú-mismo" del punk. Miller se recuperó de una ruptura amorosa sumergiéndose en la lectura de aquel libro sobre la obsesión sexual de sus protagonistas con los accidentes automovilísticos y fracasó en su plan de llevar el proyecto al cine (algo que luego lograría David Cronenberg). Entonces compró un sintetizador básico y dedicó dos canciones a esa historia, publicadas ambas en aquel single de vinilo y recibidas con discreta pero rendida admiración en su momento y con el tiempo reivindicadas por músicos, críticos y recopilaciones. La otra canción del 7 pulgadas era 'T.V. O.D.' ("sobredosis de televisión"). Ambas fueron interpretadas con una base musical minimalista que probablemente obedecía sobre todo a la incapacidad instrumental de Miller.
Después de aquello se unió a la banda el músico electrónico Robert Rental y publicaron un álbum ruidista que contenía una sola cara grabada y una portada monocroma, resultando un fiasco del que parece no se recuperaron.
'Warm Leatherette' is the B-side of the debut single from the short-lived band The Normal (good irony in the name), whose then-single-member British Daniel Miller, film editor and founder (for this first effort) of the prestigious Mute record label (Nick Cave, Depeche Mode, etc.), published in 1978 inspired by JG Ballard's novel 'Crash' (1973) and the incipient punk "do-it-yourself" environment. Miller recovered from a heartbreak by immersing himself in the reading of that book about the sexual obsession of its protagonists with car accidents and failed in his plan to turn the project into a film feature (something that later would achieve David Cronenberg). He then bought a basic synthesizer and dedicated two songs to that story, both released on that vinyl single and received with discreet but lavish admiration at the time and later claimed by musicians, critics and compilations. The other 7 inch song was 'T.V. O.D.' ("Television overdose"). Both had a minimalist musical base that probably obeyed mainly to the instrumental amateurism of Miller.
Later on electronic musician Robert Rental joined the band and they published a noisy album that contained a single recorded side (the other left blank) and a monochrome cover art, resulting a fiasco of which it seems they did not recover.
Después de aquello se unió a la banda el músico electrónico Robert Rental y publicaron un álbum ruidista que contenía una sola cara grabada y una portada monocroma, resultando un fiasco del que parece no se recuperaron.
'Warm Leatherette' is the B-side of the debut single from the short-lived band The Normal (good irony in the name), whose then-single-member British Daniel Miller, film editor and founder (for this first effort) of the prestigious Mute record label (Nick Cave, Depeche Mode, etc.), published in 1978 inspired by JG Ballard's novel 'Crash' (1973) and the incipient punk "do-it-yourself" environment. Miller recovered from a heartbreak by immersing himself in the reading of that book about the sexual obsession of its protagonists with car accidents and failed in his plan to turn the project into a film feature (something that later would achieve David Cronenberg). He then bought a basic synthesizer and dedicated two songs to that story, both released on that vinyl single and received with discreet but lavish admiration at the time and later claimed by musicians, critics and compilations. The other 7 inch song was 'T.V. O.D.' ("Television overdose"). Both had a minimalist musical base that probably obeyed mainly to the instrumental amateurism of Miller.
Later on electronic musician Robert Rental joined the band and they published a noisy album that contained a single recorded side (the other left blank) and a monochrome cover art, resulting a fiasco of which it seems they did not recover.
▶The Normal·'Warm Leatherette'
▶Grace Jones·'Warm Leatherette'
▶Grace Jones·'Warm Leatherette (live)'
▶Suzi Quatro·'Warm Leatherette'
▶Chicks On Speed·'Warm Leatherette'
▶Peter Murphy, Trent Reznor...·'Warm Leatherette' (NIN.com show)
▶Geneviéve Pasquier·'Warm Leatherette'
▶J.G. Thirlwell·'Warm Leatherette'
▶Da Cruz·'Warm Leatherette'