Adam Faith, 1962
Cyril Connolly & Lady Caroline Blackwood, 1953
Gilbert & George, 1990
Joan Littlewood, 1963
Lucian Freud & Brendan Brehan, 1952
Nina Hamnett, 1952
Richard Burton, 1954
Robert Graves, 1954
Shelagh Delaney 1959
Daniel Farson (1927-1997), fue (al igual que John Deakin con quien alternaba) un personaje habitual del Soho londinense, alcohólico, homosexual y aventurero, que, además de como presentador de televisión trabajó como fotógrafo para agencias de prensa y publicaciones varias para las que retrató a numerosos personajes significativos del panorama cultural británico. Más tarde pasó a regentar un pub que le llevó a la ruina para terminar en la casa familiar donde escribió numerosos libros, como una autobiografía de título definitorio, 'Never a Normal Person' ('Nunca Una Persona Normal'), publicado el año de su fallecimiento. Hace unos años su figura fue reivindicada a título póstumo con una retrospectiva de sus retratos en la National Portrait Gallery londinense.
Daniel Farson (1927-1997), was, (like John Deakin who he used to hang out with) a regular of the London Soho, alcoholic, gay and adventurous, who worked as a TV host but also photographer for news agencies and several magazines for wich he portrayed significant characters of the British cultural life. He later went on to own a pub that led him to financial ruin to finish up his days in his family home where he wrote many books, including his autobiography 'Never a Normal Person', published the year of his death. A few years ago he was vindicated posthumously with a retrospective of his portraits in the London National Portrait Gallery.
Daniel Farson (1927-1997), was, (like John Deakin who he used to hang out with) a regular of the London Soho, alcoholic, gay and adventurous, who worked as a TV host but also photographer for news agencies and several magazines for wich he portrayed significant characters of the British cultural life. He later went on to own a pub that led him to financial ruin to finish up his days in his family home where he wrote many books, including his autobiography 'Never a Normal Person', published the year of his death. A few years ago he was vindicated posthumously with a retrospective of his portraits in the London National Portrait Gallery.
[FuenteSource: Art Blart]