El otro día volví a ver en buena compañía la película "Exils", que me dejó fascinado la primera vez. Cuando la descubrí no conocía nada de la filmografía del gitano argelino-francés Tony Gatlif, que suele reflejar en sus trabajos las particularidades de su cultura en una mezcla de ficción y documental. Entré en el cine, recuerdo, sin saber a que me exponía, atraído por el cartel y el título. Título que me trae a la memoria un libro también fascinante -y descatalogadísimo- del gran fotógrafo checo Josef Koudelka, otro tipo atraído por la cultura nómada.
About Tony Gatlif the other day I was watching again in good company the film "Exils" wich fascinates me. When I watched it for the first time I was not familiar with the filmography of gypsy Gatli, who likes to reflect on his work the peculiarities of his culture in a kind of documentary way. I got into the cinema , I recall, not knowing what I was about to see, attracted by the poster and title. Title that reminds me of an also fascinating -and out of print- book by the same name from the great Czech photographer Josef Koudelka, another guy attracted by the nomadic culture.
About Tony Gatlif the other day I was watching again in good company the film "Exils" wich fascinates me. When I watched it for the first time I was not familiar with the filmography of gypsy Gatli, who likes to reflect on his work the peculiarities of his culture in a kind of documentary way. I got into the cinema , I recall, not knowing what I was about to see, attracted by the poster and title. Title that reminds me of an also fascinating -and out of print- book by the same name from the great Czech photographer Josef Koudelka, another guy attracted by the nomadic culture.