Uno de los números musicales de la película King Creole, al parecer su favorita de entre las que rodó (la banda sonora es uno de sus mejores discos). Ambientada en Nueva Orleans, a pesar del deseo de Elvis de conocer la ciudad le resultó bastante complicado pues ya era un gran fenómeno popular y no le garantizaban su seguridad. Este aislamiento progresaría, una de las razones por las que más tarde pagaría un precio tan alto física y sicológicamente. En 1988 Johnny Thunders & Patti Palladin incluyeron la canción en un genial disco conjunto de versiones llamado 'Copycats'.
A musical scene from the film 'King Creole', apparently an Elvis' favorite among those he played at (and the soundtrack is one of his best albums). Set in New Orleans, despite his desire to see the city it was quite complicated because he was already a huge popular phenomenon and his safety could not be guaranteed. This isolation would gradually increase, one of the reasons why he later payed a high price physically and psychologically. In 1988, Johnny Thunders & Patti Palladin recorded the song for that great album of cover versions called 'Copycats'.
A musical scene from the film 'King Creole', apparently an Elvis' favorite among those he played at (and the soundtrack is one of his best albums). Set in New Orleans, despite his desire to see the city it was quite complicated because he was already a huge popular phenomenon and his safety could not be guaranteed. This isolation would gradually increase, one of the reasons why he later payed a high price physically and psychologically. In 1988, Johnny Thunders & Patti Palladin recorded the song for that great album of cover versions called 'Copycats'.