viernes, 24 de abril de 2009

¿Quién mató a Nancy?

'Who Killed Nancy?' ('¿Quién mató a Nancy?') es un documental reciente sobre el asesinato en 1978 de Nancy Spungen, pareja de Sid Vicious -bajista de los Sex Pistols-, cometido en la habitación del Hotel Chelsea de Nueva York que ambos compartían y en cuyo baño ella se desangró apuñalada. Las primeras sospechas recayeron sobre Sid, que quedó en libertad bajo fianza para morir poco después de sobredosis, pero...
La otra teoría es conocida aunque Sid aparecía como el autor en aquella película, 'Sid & Nancy' (Alex Cox, 1986), sobre la que por cierto he leído por ahí que el collar con candado que lucía Gary Oldman en su papel de Sid le fue donado por la madre del bajista y por tanto era el auténtico que el "músico" llevó en vida (un regalo dicen de su amiga Chrissie Hynde luego famosa integrante de los Pretenders). También es reciente un documental sobre el famoso hotel, de título 'Chelsea On The Rocks' y dirigido por Abel Ferrara (el de 'Teniente Corrupto'), en el que aparecen ambos personajes.

'Who Killed Nancy?' is a recent documentary about the 1978 murder of Nancy Spungen, couple to Sid Vicious (bassist in the Sex Pistols), a murder that took place in a room at the Hotel Chelsea in New York that both shared and where the infamous girl bled to death in the bathroom after being stabbed. The first suspicions fell on Sid, who was released on bail shortly after but died soon on an overdose...
The moment appeared in that movie about them, 'Sid & Nancy' (Alex Cox, 1986), where Sid seemed to be pointed as the author (but Nancy's character appeared as a ghost crying out at the beggining he was not), and by the way I read somewhere that the collar with a padlock that Gary Oldman wore for the role of Sid was donated by the mother of the bassist and therefore was the real original on that the "musician" wore in life (a present as is rumoured of her friend Chrissie Hynde of later fame in Pretenders). Also recently a documentary was made about that famous hotel, entitled "Chelsea On The Rocks' and directed by Abel Ferrara (the same guy who directed 'Bad Lieutenant'), which appeared both characters.

Sid Vicious·'Somethin' Else' (Eddie Cochran)