Evelyn Hofer nació en Alemania pero emigró siendo niña con su familia huyendo del nazismo, primero a Suiza y después a España, de donde volvieron a huir cuando el fascismo tomó el poder pues su padre era un convencido antitotalitarista. Se establecieron en Méjico y esa ha sido intermitentemente su principal residencia, donde falleció el pasado Noviembre a los 87 años de edad. Trabajó como reportera gráfica en Estados Unidos (sus trabajos se publicaron en prestigiosas revistas como Life o Harper's Bazar) y viajó por el mundo captando imágenes como fotógrafa apasionada por la misteriosa belleza del mundo.
German born from where she as a child escaped with her family because of nazism, emigrating first to Switzerland and later to Spain where they were to escape again from fascists being his father strongly convinced against totalitarian regimes. Then they moved to Mexico where she was to die at the age of 87 last November, although she moved to the States being a young woman and worked as a photojournalist (for magazines like Life and Harper's Bazar) and travelled around the world taking pictures that seem like a devoted humanist love homage to the strange beauty of the world.
German born from where she as a child escaped with her family because of nazism, emigrating first to Switzerland and later to Spain where they were to escape again from fascists being his father strongly convinced against totalitarian regimes. Then they moved to Mexico where she was to die at the age of 87 last November, although she moved to the States being a young woman and worked as a photojournalist (for magazines like Life and Harper's Bazar) and travelled around the world taking pictures that seem like a devoted humanist love homage to the strange beauty of the world.
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