lunes, 31 de mayo de 2010

Los niños fotógrafos de Nueva Orleans

Kids photographing New Orleans

The Kid Camera Project es un proyecto creado para niños de barrios afectados por el huracán Katrina que azotó Nueva Orleans, destinado a concienciarles y ayudarles a comprender mejor su entorno y el suceso tomando fotos de su zona o la familia y amigos. A su vuelta a la ciudad se les facilitó una cámara fotográfica que manejaron como medio de expresión con la supervisión y el apoyo de monitores y educadores sociales.

The New Orleans Kid Camera Project was created to address the psychological and emotional impacts of Hurricane Katrina on children returning home to New Orleans. Through the use of photography, creative writing and mixed media, children from flooded neighborhoods explored their environment and expressed themselves, their stories and feelings with their friends. This project provided a venue for growth and recovery. By teaching the children tangible skills and exposing them to new means of expression, the project wanted to empower them to understand and recover better from the impact of the hurricane on their lives and environment.

Gary U. S. Bonds·'New Orleans'