'One Kiss Can Lead To Another: Girl Group Sounds'
Me encontré por casualidad (gracias a esa generosidad desinteresada y ganas de compartir que se da con frecuencia en la red) esta excelente recopilación (realizada por la gente de Rhino) de grupos musicales de chicas, por lo que sé todo o casi todo grabado en los 60s. Ya valdría la pena aunque sólo fuera para demostrar que en los sesentas (para contrariar a la Historia oficial) no todo era música para jipis y sicodelia. Muy recomendable.
I happened to come across this magnificent girl singers music, as far as I know all recorded in the 60s, found somewhere in the generous net. It's a Rhino compilation full of great songs, wich would be enough to show the sixties (as opposite of what History in the main media insists on telling) were not only about hippies and psychedelia. Highly recommended.
I happened to come across this magnificent girl singers music, as far as I know all recorded in the 60s, found somewhere in the generous net. It's a Rhino compilation full of great songs, wich would be enough to show the sixties (as opposite of what History in the main media insists on telling) were not only about hippies and psychedelia. Highly recommended.
▶The Velvelettes·'Needle in a Haystack'