sábado, 28 de agosto de 2010

El archivo punk de Jenny Lens

Fotografías de Jenny Lens

Jenny Lens Punk Archive

The Dead 60s·'You`re not the law'

"No creo que las fotografías se tengan que justificar llamándose obras de arte o retratos. Son memorias de una persona, son facetas contradictorias de un instante de su vida como tema y de nuestras vidas como espectadores. Son, como dijo Barthes, textos, y como tales existen para ser leídos, interpretados y discutidos, no categorizados o juzgados.", Richard Avedon. "I don't think pictures have to justify their existence by calling themselves works of art or photographic portraits. They are memories of a man; they are contradictory facets of an instant of his life as a subject - and of our lives as viewers. They are, as Barthes said, texts, and as such they exist to be read, interpreted, and argued over - not categorized and judged."