Evgeniya Shabinina
Marina Beloklokova
Jan Postma
Indiana Caba
'The Ones We Love' es un proyecto destinado a fotógrafos jóvenes de todo el mundo. Cada artista aporta seis fotografías de las personas más importantes para ellos, retratadas al aire libre en un entorno natural. El objetivo del sitio web es presentar a los que son amados, apreciados, y fuente de inspiración para estos artistas y también mostrar las diferencias y similitudes entre las fotografías que cada uno de ellos tomó con las mismas premisas.
'The Ones We Love' is a project highlighting young and talented photographers from around the world. Each artist contributed six photographs of those who mean most to them, taken outdoors in a natural setting. The goal of the website is to portray the people who are loved, cherished, and inspirational to these artists, and also showcase the differences and similarities in the photographs each of them took with the same guidelines.
[vía nihilsentimentalgia]
▶Johnny Thunders·'Diary of a lover'
'The Ones We Love' is a project highlighting young and talented photographers from around the world. Each artist contributed six photographs of those who mean most to them, taken outdoors in a natural setting. The goal of the website is to portray the people who are loved, cherished, and inspirational to these artists, and also showcase the differences and similarities in the photographs each of them took with the same guidelines.
[vía nihilsentimentalgia]
▶Johnny Thunders·'Diary of a lover'