Escuchando esta selección, tercer volumen-recopilación de artistas que graban para el fantástico sello discográfico Voodoo Rythm Records, del que es responsable el músico suizo conocido como Reverend Beat-Man, también integrante de la banda The Monsters. El sello estuvo no hace mucho a punto de desaparecer como resultado de una demanda legal, pero se salvó gracias a contribuciones solidarias lo que puede dar una dimensión del estatus de culto que ha adquirido con el tiempo una editora diferente que apoya a todo tipo de bandas y artistas con personalidad propia que pueden tener en común cierta tendencia a sonidos retro.
Listening to this selection, the third volume compiling artists who record for the great Voodoo Rhythm Records label, runned by the Swiss musician known as Reverend Beat-Man, also a member of the band The Monsters. The label was not long ago about to disappear as a result of a lawsuit, but was saved thanks to solidarity contributions which can give a dimension of the cult status that has acquired this different record company that supports all kinds of bands and artists with a very own personality that may have in common a tendency for retro sounds.
Listening to this selection, the third volume compiling artists who record for the great Voodoo Rhythm Records label, runned by the Swiss musician known as Reverend Beat-Man, also a member of the band The Monsters. The label was not long ago about to disappear as a result of a lawsuit, but was saved thanks to solidarity contributions which can give a dimension of the cult status that has acquired this different record company that supports all kinds of bands and artists with a very own personality that may have in common a tendency for retro sounds.