Carlo Mollino (Turín 1905-1973) fue un hombre de múltiples disciplinas, eminentemente arquitecto pero también diseñador (de mobiliario, coches, escenarios...) que cultivó diversas aficiones como la fotografía (ese constante retratismo de mujeres en Polaroid de las que aquí dejo algunos ejemplos), piloto de carreras, aviador acrobático, incluso llegó a escribir un tratado sobre su particular estilo propio de esquiar. Algunos de sus edificios son la Estación de Lago Nero (1946), el Auditorio Rai en Turín (1952), el edificio Casa del Sole en Cervino (1955), la Cámara de Comercio en Turín (1964) o la reconstrucción del Teatro Regio de Turín (1973). Un mueble suyo. una mesa de roble y vidrio realizada en 1949, estableció en 2005 un precio récord (3.824.000 dólares) para un mueble del siglo pasado en su subasta en Christie's.
Carlo Mollino (Turin 1905-1973) was a man of many disciplines, eminently an architect but also a designer (furniture, cars, scenery...) that cultivated multiple hobbies such as photography (shown here some of his many portraits of women in Polaroid), racing driver, acrobatic aviator, even wrote a treatise on his particular style of skiing. Some of his buildings are Lago Nero Station (1946), Rai Auditorium in Turin (1952), the building Casa del Sole on Matterhorn (1955), the Chamber of Commerce in Turin (1964) or the reconstruction of the Teatro Regio of Turin (1973). An oak and glass table designed by him in 1949 established a record price ($ 3,824,000) for a last century furniture piece, sold in an auction at Christie's in 2005.
Carlo Mollino (Turin 1905-1973) was a man of many disciplines, eminently an architect but also a designer (furniture, cars, scenery...) that cultivated multiple hobbies such as photography (shown here some of his many portraits of women in Polaroid), racing driver, acrobatic aviator, even wrote a treatise on his particular style of skiing. Some of his buildings are Lago Nero Station (1946), Rai Auditorium in Turin (1952), the building Casa del Sole on Matterhorn (1955), the Chamber of Commerce in Turin (1964) or the reconstruction of the Teatro Regio of Turin (1973). An oak and glass table designed by him in 1949 established a record price ($ 3,824,000) for a last century furniture piece, sold in an auction at Christie's in 2005.
Carlo Mollino, ca. 1935
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