Saul Leiter, fotógrafo y pintor que tuvo en sus inicios fotográficos algo de repercusión con sus primeros trabajos en blanco y negro y estuvo asociado a otros colegas más conocidos como Robert Frank o Diane Arbus, parece haber adquirido notoriedad con el paso del tiempo gracias a sus trabajos fotográficos urbanos en color en el Nueva York de los años 50s, con composiciones originales y su fijación por los tonos luminosos que en conjunto transmiten una cierta idea de optimismo conceptual, quizás influido por sus primeros trabajos artísticos cuando practicaba una pintura marcada por el expresionismo abstracto. Este éxito tardío de su trabajo, que en su momento llamó la atención de Steichen que lo incluyó en la exposición 'Always The Young Strangers' (1953), se debe a la publicación de un libro monográfico en Steidl en el 2008.
Saul Leiter, photographer and painter who had some impact in the photography scene with his early work in black and white and was associated to other colleagues such as Robert Frank or Diane Arbus, seems to have gained notoriety over the years with his urban 5o's color photographs in New York, with original compositions and fixation with bright colors that together convey a certain idea of conceptual optimism, perhaps influenced by his first artworks when he was painting marked by abstract expressionism. This late success of his colour work, although he had his moment back in 1953 when Steichen included him in the 'All The Young Strangers' exhibition, is due mainly to a 2008 Steidl book.
Saul Leiter, photographer and painter who had some impact in the photography scene with his early work in black and white and was associated to other colleagues such as Robert Frank or Diane Arbus, seems to have gained notoriety over the years with his urban 5o's color photographs in New York, with original compositions and fixation with bright colors that together convey a certain idea of conceptual optimism, perhaps influenced by his first artworks when he was painting marked by abstract expressionism. This late success of his colour work, although he had his moment back in 1953 when Steichen included him in the 'All The Young Strangers' exhibition, is due mainly to a 2008 Steidl book.

Saul Leiter, 1950. AutorretratoSelf-portrait.
▶The Cinematic Orchestra·'Soda'