jueves, 6 de septiembre de 2012

Revueltas de los Panteras Negras contra el racismo, San Francisco 1969

Black Panthers rising against racism, San Francisco 1969

Los Panteras Negras fueron una organización heredera del Movimiento del Poder Negro que se organizaron para defenderse de los ataques raciales y segregacionistas. A raíz de los tiempos convulsos por el asesinato de Martin Luther King y por ser considerados como potencialmente peligrosos por las autoridades, organizaron protestas contra la persecución y detención de sus líderes e integrantes y contra el racismo.
Fotografías de Janine Wiedel

The Black Panthers Movement were an organization heiress of the Black Power Movement who were organized and armed in order to defend black communities and individuals against racial attacks and segregation. Following the troubled times due to the killing of Martin Luther King and considered as potentially dangerous by the authorities, Black Panthers organized protests against the persecution and arrest of their leaders and members and against racism.
Photographs by Janine Wiedel

The Cherry Thing·'Accordion'