Documental que trata el nivel de corrupción policial e institucional derivado del caso de desalojo en 2006 de la casa palacio ocupada en la calle San Pere Més Baix de Barcelona. Agradezco que se haya decidido cubrir y seguir este caso en forma de documental. Como vecino personalmente sufrí las fiestas y raves continuas de aquel lugar, que además de perturbar gravemente el descanso del barrio suponía algo de descrédito para el movimiento okupa y provocaba que los habitantes más antiguos del barrio desearan abandonarlo (hay que entender que son calles estrechas con los edificios muy próximos unos a otros). Y eso que tengo experiencia en vivir en barrios de bullicio y supuestamente conflictivos sin queja alguna. A pesar de mi simpatía en general por la okupación y lo mucho que me gustaba vivir en aquel barrio, aquel inmueble parecía una bomba de relojería anunciando problemas a voces. Tiempo después, abandonada Barcelona para volver al Sur, me comentaron el incidente. No me sorprendió. Me alegro de no haber estado allí, quién sabe... El documental cubre las consecuencias del terriblemente desafortunado incidente que dejó vegetativo a un guardia urbano y las detenciones y torturas aleatorias posteriores, es decir, habla a las claras de los errores del sistema judicial y policial que lejos de solucionar problemas crea otros nuevos y un caso que aún sigue generando noticias indignantes. Últimamente por circunstancias ha vuelto la costumbre de hablar despectivamente del ánimo "anti-sistema" y se defiende ciegamente la imperfecta transición pero sólo hace falta saber, por ejemplo, que muchos de los funcionarios judiciales lo son desde el franquismo. Justicia que no se debe olvidar siempre estará sometida, como casi todo, a la subjetividad del que la aplica.
Y mientras tanto el país se acaba de volver a disparar en el pie en la segunda vuelta de las elecciones favoreciendo la corrupción y el statu quo, consecuencia entre otras cosas parece de la desconfianza y desgaste mediático de las nuevas opciones frente a los anquilosados partidos de siempre. Los españoles y sus eternas españoladas... País rotonda.
Documentary about the level of police and institutional corruption derived from case of eviction in 2006 of the occupied palace on the San Pere Més Baix Street in Barcelona. Thanks some have decided to cover and follow this case in the form of documentary. As a neighbor I personally suffered the parties and raves from that place, which seriously disturbed the peace and relaxation of an old neighborhood and also meant some discredit to the squatter movement and caused the oldest inhabitants of the neighborhood wishing to leave his lifetime environment (in those streets all the buildings are quite next to each other). And I say so in spite of my long experience living in bad reputation districts without no complaint until then. Despite my general sympathy for squatting and how much I liked living in that neighborhood, that palace meant real trouble waiting to happen. Later, after leaving Barcelona to return to the South, some friend told me about that incident. It didn't came as surprise. I'm glad I was not there, who knows ... This documentary covers the consequences of the terrible incident that left an urban policemen in coma and the random arrests that followed, ie, it speaks clearly of the errors of the judicial system that far from solving problems creates new ones and a case that still generates frustrating news. Justice is at the end, as everything, a matter of opinion of the one who has to apply it.
Meanwhile this country shoots itself in the foot in the second round of the presidentials in favour of corruption and the statu quo, a consequence it seems of lack of confidence and the media attacks on the new options to the old parties. There we go again.
Y mientras tanto el país se acaba de volver a disparar en el pie en la segunda vuelta de las elecciones favoreciendo la corrupción y el statu quo, consecuencia entre otras cosas parece de la desconfianza y desgaste mediático de las nuevas opciones frente a los anquilosados partidos de siempre. Los españoles y sus eternas españoladas... País rotonda.
Documentary about the level of police and institutional corruption derived from case of eviction in 2006 of the occupied palace on the San Pere Més Baix Street in Barcelona. Thanks some have decided to cover and follow this case in the form of documentary. As a neighbor I personally suffered the parties and raves from that place, which seriously disturbed the peace and relaxation of an old neighborhood and also meant some discredit to the squatter movement and caused the oldest inhabitants of the neighborhood wishing to leave his lifetime environment (in those streets all the buildings are quite next to each other). And I say so in spite of my long experience living in bad reputation districts without no complaint until then. Despite my general sympathy for squatting and how much I liked living in that neighborhood, that palace meant real trouble waiting to happen. Later, after leaving Barcelona to return to the South, some friend told me about that incident. It didn't came as surprise. I'm glad I was not there, who knows ... This documentary covers the consequences of the terrible incident that left an urban policemen in coma and the random arrests that followed, ie, it speaks clearly of the errors of the judicial system that far from solving problems creates new ones and a case that still generates frustrating news. Justice is at the end, as everything, a matter of opinion of the one who has to apply it.
Meanwhile this country shoots itself in the foot in the second round of the presidentials in favour of corruption and the statu quo, a consequence it seems of lack of confidence and the media attacks on the new options to the old parties. There we go again.