Estas imágenes pertenecen a la conocida como Quinta Expedición Thule, realizada entre 1921 y 1924 y financiada por la Universidad de Copenhage. En ella siete hombres, entre los que se encontraban el groenlandés y mestizo esquimal pionero de los viajes al Ártico Knud Rasmussen y su amigo Peter Freuchen, recorrieron 29000 kilómetros desde Groenlandia al Pacífico con la intención de ahondar en las costumbres y orígenes del pueblo esquimal. En aquella aventura, que supuso para algunos de los indígenas su primer contacto con hombres blancos civilizados, se desplazaron en trineo y convivieron con las distintas tribus, recogiendo gran cantidad de datos antropológicos sobre las gentes objeto del estudio. En la página The Thule Atlas se recopilan datos sobre esta expedición, incluyendo imágenes. Rasmussen escribió un diario sobre la empresa que se encuentra dramatizado en la película canadiense 'The Journals Of Knud Rasmussen' (2006). En sus varias obras, como 'De La Groenlandia Al Pacífico' (Interfolio Editorial), se encuentran detalles del total de siete expediciones que llevó a cabo, la última de ellas resultando fatal para su salud. También asesoró en el rodaje del largometraje dramático de temática expedicionaria polar 'SOS Iceberg' (1933), donde aparecía como protagonista Leni Riefensthal, de posterior fama-infamia como directora de las grandilocuentes películas promocionales nazis.
These images belong to the known as the Fifth Thule Expedition, wich took place between 1921 and 1924 and was funded by the University of Copenhagen. In it seven men, including the Greenlandic half Eskimo, pioneer of expeditions to the Arctic, Knud Rasmussen and his friend Peter Freuchen, traveled 29000 kilometers from Greenland to the Pacific with the intention of delving into the customs and origins of the Inuits. In this adventure, which for some of the aborigins meant their first contact with white civilized men, they spent time with different tribes, collecting large amount of anthropological data on the people under study. The Thule Atlas site is full of info on this expedition, including images of the adventure. Rasmussen wrote a diary about it that is dramatized in the Canadian film 'The Journals Of Knud Rasmussen' (2006). In various books he detailed the total of seven expeditions wich he took part of, the last of them resulting in fatality to his health. He also advised on the set of polar expeditionary dramatic film 'SOS Iceberg' (1933), wich featured as part of the cast Leni Riefenstahl, of later infamous-fame as the director of bombastic Nazi promotional films.
These images belong to the known as the Fifth Thule Expedition, wich took place between 1921 and 1924 and was funded by the University of Copenhagen. In it seven men, including the Greenlandic half Eskimo, pioneer of expeditions to the Arctic, Knud Rasmussen and his friend Peter Freuchen, traveled 29000 kilometers from Greenland to the Pacific with the intention of delving into the customs and origins of the Inuits. In this adventure, which for some of the aborigins meant their first contact with white civilized men, they spent time with different tribes, collecting large amount of anthropological data on the people under study. The Thule Atlas site is full of info on this expedition, including images of the adventure. Rasmussen wrote a diary about it that is dramatized in the Canadian film 'The Journals Of Knud Rasmussen' (2006). In various books he detailed the total of seven expeditions wich he took part of, the last of them resulting in fatality to his health. He also advised on the set of polar expeditionary dramatic film 'SOS Iceberg' (1933), wich featured as part of the cast Leni Riefenstahl, of later infamous-fame as the director of bombastic Nazi promotional films.