miércoles, 19 de diciembre de 2018

Moe Tucker

Moe Tucker. Foto: Deborah Feingold

A Moe Tucker se la conoce como esa pequeña baterista de la Velvet Underground que, provista de una sencilla batería de dos timbales y sin platillos, tocaba de pie. Después de la disolución de la banda colaboró puntualmente con sus ex-compañeros de banda, Lou Reed y John Cale, además de aparecer como invitada en otras grabaciones. Editó un puñado de álbumes en solitario, de los que se puede destacar 'Life in Exile After Abdication' (1989), donde participaron algunos de los Sonic Youth, o 'I Spent a Week There The Other Night' de 1991. Ya retirada de la música, ha sido controvertida su ligazón tardía con movimientos políticos ultraconservadores.  
Moe Tucker is known as the drummer of The Velvet Underground in wich, with a simple drum set of two timbales and no cymbals, she played standing up. After the dissolution of the band she collaborated punctually with her ex-bandmates, Lou Reed and John Cale, in addition to appear as guest feature on other recordings, and recorded a handful of solo albums, with highlights like 'Life in Exile After Abdication' (1989), where Sonic Youth's Kim and Thurston participated, or 'I Spent a Week There The Other Night' from 1991. Retired from music her late link with ultraconservative political movements caused some controversy.

Moe Tucker - Hey Mersh!
Moe Tucker - Work
Moe Tucker - Talk So Mean
Moe Tucker - Fired Up
Moe Tucker - That's Bad
Moe Tucker - Lazy
Moe Tucker - Too Shy
Moe Tucker - Stayin' Put
Moe Tucker - S.O.S. 
Moe Tucker & Jad Fair - Guess I'm Falling in Love
The Velvet Underground - After Hours
The Velvet Underground - I'm Sticking With You (Outtake)
The Jesus & Mary Chain - Moe Tucker
Death In Vegas - Moe Tucker