lunes, 10 de enero de 2022

La vida con un artista

Documental doméstico realizado por la esposa del director de culto Nicholas Winding Refn, que retrata la vida de ambos durante la realización de la fallida 'Solo Dios Perdona', que seguiría a la aclamada 'Drive'. El matrimonio usa de guía los consejos del polifacético Jodorowsky para encauzar la difícil tarea de volver a dirigir tras el éxito de la anterior película (con el añadido de repetir protagonista, Ryan Gosling) y las pequeñas crisis de pareja derivadas de la preocupación y el agotamiento, en las que la actitud del realizador no parece hacerle salir muy bien parado a ojos del espectador.
Domestic documentary made by the wife of cult director Nicholas Winding Refn, portraying their life during the making of a weak film, 'Only God Forgives', which would follow the acclaimed 'Drive'. The couple uses the advices of the versatile Alejandro Jodorowsky as a guide to carry on with the difficult task of coming out with another movie after the success of the previous one (with the addition of repeating the protagonist, Ryan Gosling), and the crises in the couple derived from concern and exhaustion, in which the attitude of the director doesn't seem to make him come out very well in the portrait.

'My Life Directed By Nicholas Winding Refn' (Liv Corfixen, 2014)